Passport - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


  1. const passport = require("passport");
  2. Import a strategy:
    • require("passport-http").BasicStrategy
    • require("passport-local").Strategy
    • require("passport-oauth").OAuthStrategy
    • require("passport-oauth").OAuth2Strategy
    • require("passport-facebook").Strategy;
    • require("passport-jwt").Strategy;
    • require("passport-slack").Strategy;
  3. passport.use(new Strategy(options, verify));
  4. Set the right options for that strategy
  5. Implement the verify function
  6. Add the authentication to the relevant routes


  • Basic Auth on an API:
passport.use(new BasicStrategy(verify));
  • Username/Password on a form:
passport.use(new LocalStrategy({
    usernameField: "username", // default
    passwordField: "password", // default
}, verify));
  • OAuth 1.0a:
passport.use("provider", new OAuthStrategy({
    requestTokenURL: "",
    accessTokenURL: "",
    userAuthorizationURL: "",
    consumerKey: "123-456-789",
    consumerSecret: "shhh-its-a-secret"
    callbackURL: ""
}, verify));
  • OAuth 2.0:
passport.use("provider", new OAuthStrategy({
    authorizationURL: "",
    tokenURL: "",
    clientId: "123-456-789",
    clientSecret: "shhh-its-a-secret"
    callbackURL: ""
}, verify));
  • Facebook (OAuth 2.0):
passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({
    clientID: FACEBOOK_APP_ID,
    clientSecret: FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,
    callbackURL: ""
}, verify));
  • JWT:
var ExtractJwt = require('passport-jwt').ExtractJwt;

passport.use(new JwtStrategy({
    jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
    secretOrKey = "secret",
    issuer = "",
    audience = ""
}, verify));
  • Slack:
passport.use(new SlackStrategy({
   clientID: "CLIENT_ID_HERE",
   clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET_HERE",
   callbackURL: "http://localhost:3000/auth/slack/callback"
}, verify));

Verifying a user

User lookup, hashing, etc. happens here.


function verify(username, password, done){
    var user = {username: "u", password: "p"};
    if (username != user.username){
        done(null, false);
    } else if (password != user.password){
        done(null, false);
    } else {
        done(null, user);

OAuth 1.0a:

function(accessToken, accessTokenSecret, profile, done){
    // `profile` is what has the user information from the provider

OAuth 2.0:

function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done){
    // `profile` is what has the user information from the provider


function(jwt, done){
    // `jwt` is the deserialized JWT

Authenticating a Route

  • Authenticated users return true for request.isAuthenticated()
  • Basic Auth on an API:
    passport.authenticate("basic", {session: false}), (request, response) => {
        // request.user has the user object
  • Local Auth on a site:"/login",
    passport.authenticate("local", {
        successRedirect: "/",
        failureRedirect: "/login",
        failureFlash: true // puts a message on the redirect with the reason for failure from verify
  • OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0:

Facebook's type is "facebook"

// This is the route the user hits
app.get("/auth/provider", passport.authenticate("provider"));
// In 2.0, you can also add scopes to the request
app.get("/auth/provider", passport.authenticate("provider", {scope: ["email"]}));

// This is the route the provider hits
app.get("/auth/provider/callback", passport.authenticate("provider", {
    successRedirect: "/",
    failureRedirect: "/login"

Session Serialization

passport.serializeUser((user, next) => {
passport.deserializeUser((id, next) => {
    next(null, findUserById(id));

const session = require("express-session");
    cookie: {
        //secure: true
    resave: false,
    saveUnitialized: false,
    secret: "SECRET CODE HERE"

OAuth Profile Normalization

User profiles from OAuth get normalized to this format:

    provider: "facebook",
    id: "1",
    displayName: "kylecoberly",
    name: {
        familyName: "Coberly",
        givenName: "Kyle",
        middleName: "Eldon"
    email: [{
        value: "[email protected]",
        type: "personal"
    photos: [{
        value: ""


router.get("/logout", (request, response) => {