Krita - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

Tablet Settings

Purpose Key Mapping Express Keys
Undo / Redo Control-Z / Control+Shift-Z Top set, inner buttons
Rotate Hue Alt+Control-H / Alt+Shift-H Bottom set, inner buttons
Change brush size [ / ] Bottom set, outer buttons
Change zoom - / = Ring

Krita Settings

  • Hide all toolbars, save as a workspace
  • Use _Basic-1 brush (brush presets -> Ink -> #2)
  • Remap Rotate Hue to Alt+Control-H / Alt+Shift-H
  • Remap Rectangle Tool to R
  • Remap Line Tool to L
  • Remap Text Tool to Control+T
  • Make your default new canvas 2 layers to keep a white background

Krita Shortcuts

  • Text - Control+T (Text works on a non-paintable layer)
  • Brush - B
  • Move - T
  • Eyedropper - P
  • Rectangular Select - Control+R
  • Rectangle Tool - R
  • Line Tool - L
  • Deselect - Control+Shift+A