JWT - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


  • Used for authentication, as well as secure data exchange
  • Super compact, so it can be used in urls, headers, etc.
  • Stateless, so works well with RESTful APIs


The structure of a JWT is header.payload.signature.


The header has two parts- the type of token (JWT) and the hashing algorithm (either RSA or SHA256). This is Base64Encoded into the first part of the signature.

    "alg": "HS256",
    "typ": "JWT"


This contains a set of "claims" about a user, which are Base64Encoded into the second part of the signature. There are three types of claims:

  • Reserved Claims (Standard):
    • iss: Issuer
    • exp: Expiration
    • sub: Subject
    • aud: Audience
  • Public Claims (User-defined, but should be registered)
  • Private Claims (Defined between parties using them)
    "sub": "1234567890",
    "name": "Kyle Coberly",
    "admin": true


Using the algorithm specified in the header, hash the encoded header.payload with your secret.

Use in Authentication

  • JWT is returned from the server, stored in local storage or cookie, and sent in the authorization header on each request: Authorization: Bearer 1234.zxcv.asdf