Harrison MixBus - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


  • Analog workflow- fewer plug-ins, fixed busses
    • You can stack sounds in a single track, like layers in an image editor
    • Every region fades and cross-fades automatically
    • Fewer mouse modes, more keyboard shortcuts
    • CPU is pre-allocated, turning a processor on or off doesn't affect anything
  • Session snapshot == version
  • You can archive a session to do a compressed, lossless backup
  • Can combine audio and video files


  • You can modify the buffer size in the audio settings
  • You can how aggressively the playback or recording buffer is being consumed in the top status bar


  • Has a red border around it
  • esc to clear

Signal Routing

  • All handled inside the software, no matrix mixer


  • Audio busses are for things like external FX and headphones, not mixing
  • Double-click control to reset it
  • Hover over a knob and use the mouse wheel to set it
  • Adjust with mouse, fine with ctrl, super-fine with shift+ctrl
  • Ctrl+Shift Click: Apply to all channels
  • Middle: Non-latching mute/solo
  • Top of each channel opens up I/O options
    • Also includes monitor (disk vs. input) options
  • Meter is aligned to fader
  • Bottom VU meters measure amount of tape saturation applied
  • Top VU meter shows K/14 RMS value
  • Phase alignment meter shows Out of phase - In Phase - Mono
  • Gain staging:
    • Trim - Normalizes signal
    • Fader - Artistic choice
    • Makeup - From the compressor
  • VCAs automate fader moves without bussing
  • Bottom of channel strip has automation, group assignment, and metering
  • "Spill" shows just channels that are on that bus
  • Master channel has a hard limiter
  • Redirects (plug-ins):
    • Any order, either before or after the fader
    • One green pip for mono, two for stereo, red for MIDI
  • Busses just have "tone" EQs
  • Channel hotkeys:
    • Arrows for faders
    • r to record arm
    • s to solo
    • m to mute
  • Compressor:
    • Leveler- Low ratio, volume balancing or transient shaping
    • Compressor- Fixed attack/release, in-your-face
    • Limiter- Smash peaks
  • Side-chaining
    • Uses a global side-chain channel
    • Small red arrow next to the output routing
    • Bus compressors can be set to listen to side-chain
  • Groups can assign which attributes are shared
    • You can group channels by dragging on the black strip above the mixer
  • Automation
    • Manual - No automation
    • Play - Play automation, no direct control
    • Write - Whatever current values are is written
    • Touch - Play, until you change something


  • You can show the channel for the current track with E
  • z to zoom to selection, zooms out when nothing is selected
  • Ctrl+Wheel: Zooms the timeline
  • Shift+Wheel: Moves the timeline left/right
  • Shift+Right Click: Deletes
  • Navigate between tracks with Alt+up/down
  • Uses playlists like Pro Tools
  • Has editing modes like Pro Tools:
    • Slide - Normal
    • Ripple - Like Shuffle, closes the gap
    • Lock - Regions can be edited, but can be moved
  • Editing tools:
    • Object - Normal
      • Smart - Object on top half, Range on bottom half
    • r Range - Selection
    • Time - Stretch
    • Speaker - Audition/Scrub
    • Pencil - Add automation and MIDI points, and write region automation
    • Contents - Edits automation and MIDI
  • Editing commands - Hover over a region, and:
    • s to split
    • j to trim from beginning
    • k to trim from end
  • Control automation in the A menu
  • Create PT-style edit groups in the G menu
  • You can audition and drag/drop clips S1-style from the Editor List
  • Each track has a horizontal fader on its label also
  • The range tool has a beat-detective tool called Rhythm Ferrett
  • You can automatically align the polarity of channels with the range tool
  • Shift+6 for clip volume up, Shift+7 for clip volume down


  • Scrubbing tool right below controls
  • Shift+Left/Right does this too

Key Commands

  • Alt+M: Toggles between editor and mixer