HTML5 - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


  • base - Base URL for all relative URLs
  • head
  • link
  • meta
  • style
  • title


  • header - Header for its parent’s content
  • nav - Collection of links
  • main - Primary site content
  • section - Group of content with a heading
  • article - Independently redistributable content with a heading
  • aside
  • footer - Footer for its parent’s content
  • div
  • span
  • h1-h6
  • ul
  • ol
  • li
  • dl - Description list, key-value pairs
  • dt - Term
  • dd - Description


  • dialog
  • menu
  • menuitem - Command invoked from a menu
  • meter - Scalar measurement with a range
  • progress


  • p
  • em - Emphasis
  • strong - Strong emphasis
  • b - Different, no emphasis, eg. product names or keywords
  • i - Different, no emphasis, eg. foreign or technical terms, thoughts
  • s - Irrelevant or inaccurate
  • mark - Highlighted
  • hr - Thematic break between paragraphs
  • wbr - Word break opportunity
  • pre
  • br
  • cite
  • code - Code snippet
  • kybd - Inline simulated user-input
  • samp - Sample computer output
  • var - Variable in computer output
  • q - Inline quotation
  • blockquote
  • data - Value with a machine-readable value, eg. a UPC
  • a
  • abbr - Abbreviation, use “title” attribute for full word
  • small - Side comments and fine print, eg. legal
  • sub - Subscript, eg. for math
  • sup - Superscript, eg. for math
  • del - Deleted text from an edit
  • ins - Inserted text from an edit
  • time
  • address - Contact information for an article
  • ul
  • ol
  • li
  • details - Hideable
  • summary - Header for details tag


  • map - Image map
  • area - Hotspot inside a map
  • audio
  • video
  • track - Defines captioning for audio and video
  • source - Asset for audio or video
  • figure - Wraps an image for markup
  • img
  • figcaption - Caption a figure


  • table
  • caption - Title of a table, goes right after table
  • tbody
  • tr
  • td
  • th - Header for a group of cells, defined by scope and headers
  • thead - Rows defining the heads of columns
  • colgroup - Group of columns
  • col - Column that should have a consistent style
  • tfoot - Rows defining the summary of columns

Form Helpers

  • form
  • input
  • output
  • keygen - Sets up public/private key with server
  • button
  • fieldset - Group of controls and labels
  • legend - Caption for a fieldset
  • form
  • datalist - Has option tags for an input list
  • select
  • optgroup - Group of options in a select element
  • option
  • textarea

Input Types

  • text
  • color
  • date
  • datetime
  • datetime-local
  • email
  • month
  • number
  • range
  • search
  • tel
  • time
  • url
  • week

Input Attributes

  • accept="audio/*"
  • autocomplete="on"
  • alt="alt-text" - Only for image types
  • autofocus="autofocus" - Gets focus when page loads
  • form="id" - Form the input belongs to
  • formaction="url" - Url that will process the input on submit
  • formenctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  • formmethod="post" - For formaction
  • formnovalidate="formnovalidate" - If this input shouldn’t validate on submit
  • formtarget="_blank" - Where to display response
  • height="100px" - Only for image type
  • width="100px" - Only for image type
  • list="datalist-id" - Refers to a datalist element that has predefined options for the input
  • min="5"
  • max="7"
  • maxlength="3"
  • multiple="multiple"
  • pattern="regexp" - Validates the input
  • placeholder="text" - Hint
  • required="require" - Must be filled out before submitting
  • readonly="readonly"
  • size="3" - Width of input element
  • src="u/r/l" - For image type that will be used as a submit button
  • step="2" - Intervals for a numeric input
  • disabled="disabled"