Feathers - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


Install with npm i -S @feathersjs/feathers. Setup:

const feathers = require("@feathers/feathers");
const app = feathers();


A service looks like this:

class Messages {
    async find(parameters){
    async get(id, parameters){
    async create(data, parameters){
    async patch(id, data, parameters){
    async remove(id, parameters){

app.use("messages", new Messages());
  • You can access a registered service method with app.service("messages").get(), etc.
  • Each time a service method is called, its emits an event, eg. app.service("messages").on("created", message => {})
  • You can trigger a custom event with service.emit("custom-event", data)


  • Hooks are for functionality that is shared across services
  • They are middleware functions that can be registered before, after, or on the errors of a service method
  • Used for things like validation, auth, logging, populating relations, and sending notifations
  • A hook without a path (app.hooks()) is application-wide, good for logging and error-handling
  • A hook gets passed a context object, and is expected to return it. It has:
    • app - The app instance
    • service - The current service
    • path - The current path for this service
    • method - The service's method
    • type - The hook type
    • params.query - The query string
    • params.provider - rest, socketio, etc.
    • id
    • data
    • error - Available in error hooks
    • result - Returned valued in after hooks
function setTimestamp(name){
    return async (context) => {
        context.data[name] = new Date();
        return context;

    before: {
        create: setTimestamp("createdAt");
    after: {
        find: [control(), the(), order()]


const {BadRequest} = require("@feathersjs/errors");

async function validate(context){
    const {data} = context;

    if (!data.text){
        throw new BadRequest("Needs text");

    // Sanitizing
    context.data = {
        text: data.text.toString();

    return context;

    before: {
        post: valildate,
        patch: validate,
        update: validate


  • HTTP REST via Express
  • Socket.io
  • Primus


  • Uses a specialized version of Express
  • Services are registered just like routes
const feathers = require("@feathersjs/feathers");
const express = require("@feathersjs/express");

const app = express(feathers());

app.use(express.urlencoded({extended: true});

app.use("messages", new Messages());

const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.use(express.errorHandler()); // Has to be last
const server = app.listen(port);
server.on("listening", () => {
    console.log(`Listening on localhost:${port}`);


  • Install with npm i -S @feathersjs/socketio
// Server
const feathers = require("@feathersjs/feathers");
const socketio = require("@feathersjs/socketio");

const app = feathers(); // Can be combined with Express

app.on("connection", connection => {
    app.publish(() => app.channel("chatroom"));


// Client
const socket = io("http://localhost:3000");

socket.on("messages created", message => {
    console.log("Someone created a message", message);
socket.emit("create", "messages", (error, messageList({
    if (error) throw error
    console.log("Messages:", messageList);

Feathers Knex

const knex = require("knex");
const service = require("feathers-knex");

const db = knex({
    client: "pg",
    connection: `postgres:///appname`

app.use("/messages", service({
    Model: db, // Connection instance
    name: "message" // Name of table,
    id: "id", // Name of primary key,
    events: [] // List of custom events,
    pagination: {
        default: 10,
        maxSize: 100

// Equivalent to GET localhost:3000/messages?text[$like]=Hello%
    query: {
        text: {
            $like: "Hello%"


const {transaction} = require("feathers-knex").hooks;

module.exports = {
    before: {
        all: [transaction.start()],
    after: {
        all: [transaction.end()],
    error: {
        all: [transaction.rollback()],

Customizing a find

    before: {
            const query = this.createQuery(context.params);
            query.orderBy("name", "desc"); // Or whatever
            context.params.knex = query;
            return context;

Feathers Client

const app = feathers();

// Sockets
const socket = io("http://localhost:3000");

// Or REST
const rest = feathers.rest("http://localhost:3000");

app.service("messages").on("created", message => {
    console.log("Someone created a message", message);

async function createAndList(){
    await app.service("messages").create({
        text: "Hello from a client!"

    const messages = await app.service("messages").find();

    console.log("messages", messages);



  • Setup with npm i -S @feathersjs/cli -g
  • New app - feathers generate app
  • New service - feathers generate service
    • Creates service file, hooks file, model, and test
  • Setup auth- feathers generate authentication

Configure functions

  • Functions that take the Feathers app object, do something like register a service on it, and then return it. Called with app.configure().
  • Set the function as the export for the module
  • Naming convention is name.type.js

Hook functions

  • Utility functions for hooks
  • Exported out directly
  • Located in /hooks/name.js