Express - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki



  • A function that has a (request, response, next) signature
  • No return value, just calls next()
  • Can make an anonymous function as middleware
  • Middleware is executed in order
  • Middleware processes until next() isn’t called, or an error is generated
  • If you call next(error) with an argument, it will look for error handling middleware
  • Error handling middleware has 4 arguments (error, request, response, next)
  • If you need to pass values in, your middleware will be a factory that returns a function with the middleware signature

Express Middleware

  • Used with app.use();
  • app.use() will match all methods for all routes.
  • Express methods are all chainable.

Useful Express middleware

  • body-parser
  • serve-static
  • compression
  • cookie-parser
  • cookie-session
  • express-session
  • errorhandler
  • passport
  • morgan
  • winston
  • csurf
  • serve-favicon
  • method-override
  • vhost

Using a templating engine

app.set(“views”, “templates”) // Template Folder
app.set(“view engine”, “jade”) // Engine you want to use

response.render(“template-name”, dataObject);