Ember Data Adapters - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

Adapters take requests from the store and converts them into actions for your server. They can be model-specific or application-wide.

Adapters have 7 methods to override:

  • find(store, type, id, snapshot) - GET request to the URL returned by buildURL
  • createRecord(store, type, snapshot) - Called by save(). Serializes, then POSTs to buildURL
  • updateRecord(store, type, snapshot) - Serializes, then PUTs to buildURL.
  • deleteRecord(store, type, snapshot) - DELETEs to buildURL
  • findAll() - Private in the REST adapter, implemented by find()
  • findQuery(store, type, query) - GET to buildURL, with query serialized as parameters
  • findMany(store, type, ids, snapshots) - Coalesces multiple find requests to one GET request

REST Adapter Methods

  • buildURL(modelName, id, snapshot, requestType, query) - builds a URL for a request. Uses urlFor<requestType>() internally, which in turn uses _buildURL(). Builds from host & namespace properties of adapter, and the model, and id properties of the request.
  • ajaxSuccess() / ajaxError() - Do something with response metadata
  • findHasMany / findBelongsTo - Make a GET request to a set of unloaded records from links
buildURL: function(model, id, snapshot, requestType, query) {
    var url = this._super();

    if (url.toString().contains("conversations")){
        url = url.replace("conversations", "me/convos");

    return url;

Adapter Properties

  • namespace: "api/1" - prepended to all calls
  • host: "http://example.com" - override if different URL than app
  • defaultSerializer: "serializerName" - override if serializer name different than adapter name
  • headers: {} - hash of headers to send with every request, can be volatile


Format the server call and response. Have 3 main methods:

  • extract() - Deserializes response from server
  • serialize(snapshot, options) - Converts your record to the form your server wants. Options has one boolean property: includeId.
  • normalize(typeClass, hash, prop) - Formats server response into what store.push() wants. Transform the hash, send the normalized payload to _super().

RESTSerializer Methods

  • extractSingle(store, typeClass, payload, id) - Called when the response is returning a single record. Restructure payload- leave more fine-grained conversion for normalize(). Call this._super(<signature>) to finish the method.
  • extractArray(store, primaryTypeClass, payload) - Called when the response has multiple records. Otherwise the same as extractSingle.
  • payloadKeyFromModelName(modelName) / modelNameFromPayloadKey(key) - If model name is different in ember than it is on the server.
  • serializeIntoHash(hash, typeClass, snapshot, options) - customize root keys of the JSON
  • serializePolymorphicType(snapshot, json, relationship) - Defines how polymorphic types are represented in JSON

RESTSerializer Properties

  • normalizeHash - Takes a hash of functions to transform specific properties
  • Pluralize - camelCase attributes

Use transforms for strings, numbers, dates.

Common Serializer Response Overrides

  • normalizeResponse()
  • normalizeFindAllResponse()
  • normalizeFindRecordResponse()
  • normalizeFindManyResponse()
  • normalizeFindBelongsToResponse()
  • normalizeFindHasManyResponse()
  • normalizeQueryResponse()
  • normalizeQueryRecordResponse()
  • normalizeCreateRecordResponse()
  • normalizeDeleteRecordResponse()
  • normalizeUpdateRecordResponse()
  • normalizeSaveResponse()
  • normalizeSingleResponse()
  • normalizeArrayResponse()

Each one is invoked on it's action and has the same interface: (store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType) => JSONAPIDocument


  • serializeAttribute()
  • serializeBelongsTo()
  • serializeHasMany()


post.get('id')           => postSnapshot.id
post.get('title')        => postSnapshot.attr('title')
post.get('author')       => postSnapshot.belongsTo('author')
post.get('comments')     => postSnapshot.hasMany('comments')
post.constructor         => postSnapshot.type;
post.constructor.typeKey => postSnapshot.typeKey

Underlying record is in snapshot.record


  • Adapters & serializers can be per application or model
  • Don’t switch APIs, switch adapters
  • Use HTTP Mocks instead of fixtures
  • Model shouldn’t care how it’s represented on the server
  • Don’t pollute models with serializer concerns
  • Refer to serialize in normalize()


  • Model hook used to use $.get()
  • Then it had to map underscore to camelCase
  • And then it...

Compound keys

  • Handled in “normalize” method
  • Define keys in serializer
  • typeClass is the class for a given model
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