Ember Addons - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

Getting Started

  • To create an addon: ember addon <name>

Important Directories

  • /addon- “private area”, own namespace
  • /app- will get merged
  • /tests/dummy- dummy application to test your component

Important Files

  • Brocfile.js - only gets used by the dummy application
  • index.js
    • Entry point for the addon
    • included hook runs during ember build
    • Can app.import third-party dependencies and assets
    • isDevelopingAddon: true ← enables liveReload
  • package.json
    • ember-addon hash includes:
      • configPath
      • before/after hooks for other addons
      • demoURL for fully qualified demo site URL
  • blueprints/<name>/index.js
    • Runs after installation
    • Can use contentFor to add a content helper


  • Need to fill out package.json
  • Need a property in package.json with "package-name": "npm-version"
  • npm link in addon to locally publish, npm install ../<path> to locally install
    • Have to manually run blueprint with ember g <blueprint-name>
  • npm publish to publically publish


  • Import/export your addon in the app folder to make it available
  • Templates go in the app area
  • Don’t use stylesheets for addons, or give them their own addons
  • You can include dependencies like normal in an addon
  • Don’t use prototype extensions in an addon
  • You can .npmignore tests and dependencies
  • LiveReload is disabled by default. Enable in index.js
  • Addons can install bower packages
  • A linked local addon can livereload in your app
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