Cypress Cucumber - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki
npm i -D cypress-cucumber-preprocessor
"scripts": {
"test": "npx cypress open",
"test:ci": "npx cypress run --spec **/*.features",
"test:tags": "npx cypress-tags run -e TAGS=$TAGS"
"cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": {
"nonGlobalStepDefinitions": true,
"stepDefinitions": "tests/e2e/specs",
"commonPath": "tests/e2e/common",
"cucumberJson": {
"generate": true,
"outputFolder": "tests/e2e/cucumber-json",
"filePrefix": "",
"fileSuffix": ".cucumber"
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:8080",
"chromeWebSecurity": false,
"testFiles": "**/*.{feature,features}"
const cucumber = require('cypress-cucumber-preprocessor').default
module.exports = on => on("file:preprocessor", cucumber())
Cypress.Commands.add("the", testSelector =>
Cypress.Commands.add("clickThe", testSelector => {
Cypress.Commands.add("clickTheFirst", testSelector => {
Cypress.Commands.add("theFirst", testSelector =>
Cypress.Commands.add("fillOutThe", testSelector =>
Cypress.Commands.add("with", { prevSubject: true }, (form, formData) => {
cy.wrap(Object.keys(formData)).each(key => {
Cypress.Commands.add("getStore", () => {
return cy.window().its("app.__vue__.$store");
{ prevSubject: true },
(store, methodToDispatch, ...dispatchArguments) => {
return store.dispatch(methodToDispatch, ...dispatchArguments);
{ prevSubject: true },
(store, methodToCommit, ...commitArguments) => {
return store.commit(methodToCommit, ...commitArguments);
{ prevSubject: true },
(store, property, value) => {
store.state[property] = value;
return value;
{ prevSubject: true },
(store, property) => {
return store.state[property];
(Just include this file blank to help with CI not launching new browser instances for each file)
A test file is structured like this:
|- integration
|- common
|- some-shared-step.js
|- more-shared-steps.js
|- SomeFeature.feature
|- SomeFeature
|- any-file.js
|- any-other-file.js
- Feature: A small, concrete action that the user can perform on the system; this will change the state of the system and/or make the system perform actions on other systems
- Scenario: Different execution path for the same feature
- Given: The state the system should be in (not the actions the user took to get there)
- When: An action a user takes
- Then: An assertion about the new state of the system
- And: Follows a Given/When/Then (and matches the same type of step)
- But: Something not happening
Feature: The description of the feature goes here
As a user, I want feature, so I can get benefit.
You can also link to documentation here, etc.
Given I open the page # This runs once before each scenario
@some-tag @another-tag # ` npx cypress-tags run -e TAGS='not @some-tag and (@not-tag or @another-tag)'`
Scenario: Opening the page
Given another thing
When you do nothing
And you do nothing
But you don't do anything
Then the page displays "Main heading" # "Main heading" is passed as an argument
@focus # Only runs this scenario
Scenario: Some parameters
When you give a "word" and a bunch of data:
| firstKey | secondKey |
| A | B |
| 1 | 2 |
Then the page displays "AB12"
Scenario: Just browser automation
* Step 1 # Matches `given("Step 1")`
* Step 2
* Step 3
Scenario Outline: Use juicer with <fruit>
Given I put "<fruit>" in a juicer
When I switch it on
Then I should get "<juice>"
| fruit | juice |
| apple | apple juice |
| pineapple | pineapple juice |
| strawberry | strawberry juice |
const {
} = require("cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps");
const { server, route, log, visit, the, theFirst } = cy
beforeEach(() => { // Only use this for purely technical abstraction
route(/* something */)
Given("I open the page", () => {
When("you give a {string} and a bunch of data:", (word, table) => {
// word is a passed argument
// table gives you access to things like table.hashes()
Then("the page displays {string}", word => {
Then("the page displays {string}", title => {
theFirst("main-heading").should("have.text", title)
Then(/^These can also be regexes$/, () => {