Coberly Business Manifesto - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

A Manifesto of Business Values

by Kyle Coberly


  • Prefer flow to batch
  • Prefer purpose to profits
  • Prefer output to time
  • Prefer self-organized cross-functional teams to top-down functional silos


  • If something isn't working, stop doing it and try something new
  • If something is working, stop doing it to see if it's still necessary
  • Being cheap with customers and employees invites them to be cheap with you
  • Write things to remember them, not to communicate them
  • People aren't things - don't score or sort them
  • People want to work and be good at what they do
  • Results are a consequence, not a goal
  • The things that matter are difficult or impossible to measure
  • Automate computers, not people
  • Limit work in progress