CSS Grid - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

CSS Grid


  1. Define a container with display: grid
  2. Set column and row sizes with grid-template: rows / columns
  3. Place child elements with grid-area


  • Grid Container: Parent element, has display: grid
  • Grid Item: Direct descendants of a grid container
  • Grid Line: Dividing line (horizontal or vertical) of the grid
  • Grid Track: Space between two lines (columns or rows)
  • Grid Cell: Intersection of two tracks
  • Grid Area: Space encompassed by 4 grid lines (any size)


  • Valid units include px, %, auto, em/rem, and fr
    • fr is a fraction of unallocated space in the grid
  • You can repeat declarations with repeat(3, 1fr)
  • You can give grid-lines labels with 1 fr [optional-label another-optional-label]
  • You can specify a grid with grid-template: rows / columns
  • You can position a grid item by specifying its starting and ending grid line with grid-row: start / end or grid-column: start / end
    • This can include negative values
    • You can use the span keyword to say how many rows or columns you would like it to span
    • grid-area combines rows and columns like this: grid-area: row-start / column-start / row-end / column-end
      • You can also assign it to a grid-template-area name
  • You can order an item in the grid with the order keyword
  • You can label grid areas with:
    "header header header"
    "main main sidebar"
    ". footer footer"
    • . means it should be empty
    • none means it's undefined
  • You can specify gutters with grid-column-gap and grid-row-gap, or grid-gap: row column
  • You can specify the justification and alignment of rows and columns with justify-items and align-items. They accept start, end, center, and stretch.
    • You can override this on items with justify-self and align-self
  • You can specify the justification and alignment of the entire grid with justify-content and align-content if there is excess unused space. Takes the same arguments as flexbox.

Responsive Grids

  • Use named areas to assign content to areas, and then redefine the shape of the grid using the media queries.
  • You can hack repeat with repeat(autofill, minmax(smallest, largest)). They start at the min size, but grow up to the max size if the content allows
  • You can allow rows to be automatically generated and sized with grid-auto-rows: some-size;
    • If you pass this more than one, it will create a pattern