Business Statistics - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki


Measure of how frequently something occurs.

  • What our average turnaround time is

Pareto Chart

Type of histogram, ranked in order of most frequently occuring to least. Used for defect tracking.

  • What are our most frequent errors?
  • What caused a project to be late?
  • What processes take the longest?

Weighted Moving Average

Chart that gives the mean over a specific number of values. Takes into account past performance, but weighted toward more recent performance. Used to generate estimates.

  • How long will a project take?
  • How much will a project cost?
  • What is our throughput?

Box and Whisker Plot

Measures the shape of a distribution.

  • How consistent is a process?
  • Compare same process over time
  • Compare different processes

Poisson Distribution

Chart that estimates the probability of rare events. Can be used to predict frequency of errors.

  • How many resources do we need to dedicate to troubleshooting?
  • How many resources do we need to dedicate to change requests?

Control Chart

Mean, and upper/lower control of +/- 3 sigmas. If something is outside of that, the process is "out of control." Other bad signs are 8+ consecutive above/beow, 10/11, 12/14, trend over 6+, 2/3 are in the outer 1/3, 4/5 are in the outer 2/3s, the centerline shifting from chart to chart.

Pie Chart

Split of our work

Things you might measure

  • Cost centers, revenue centers, profit centers
  • estimates vs. actuals
  • How long do we wait / keep people waiting for info?
  • New vs. Returning customers
  • Close rate

Process Improvements

  • Benchmarking
  • JIT
  • Reengineering ("Blank Sheet of Paper")
  • Map out every process, then Pareto, then Ishikawa