Getting Started - KevinTheGray/slideplayer GitHub Wiki

This page goes over the requirements to build, how to build, and running a presentation.

Currently only macOS is supported.



  • Flutter on the master channel.


Change your dir to flutter_app and run flutter run.

Once it's running, you can open the file flutter_live.json in the example_presentation folder of the root of the project as a sample.

Running the app

  1. Go to File -> Open (or tap the Open button if it is visible)
  2. Select a Flutter Slides file. An example is supplied with flutter_live.json in the example_presentation folder located in the root of the project. The next time you run the app, it will automatically attempt to open this file.
  3. Use the controls listed below to navigate through the app.

To advance:

  • right arrow
  • or, spacebar

To go back:

  • left arrow

To toggle slide selector sidebar:

  • ] to show
  • [ to hide

To change to a new slide in sidebar:

  • z + click on the slide

To present fullscreen

  • cmd + ctl + F
  • or, select the green "full screen" button in the upper left of the window

To leave fullscreen

  • cmd + ctl + F
  • or, move your cursor to the top of the screen and tap the green button in upper left