Advanced features and controls - KevinBytesTheDust/CVAmp GitHub Wiki

Observe the status of the instances

Each box represents one Chrome instance. The colors represent its status:

⬛ - Instance is spawned. 🟨 - Instance is buffering. 🟩 - Instance is actively watching.

Interact with the instances

Click on the colored squares ⬛🟨🟩 to do the following actions:

🖱️ Left click: Refresh page.
🖱️ Right click: Destroy instance.
🖱️ Left click + CTRL: Take screenshot (saved in root folder).

Automatic Restarts

If toggled on, the instances restart every 20 minutes. This helps to reduce the memory leak (increase in memory usage over time) introduced by playwright. Side effect of the automatic restarts can be CPU usage spikes and instances counting twice for a short amount of time.