°Development - KevinBytesTheDust/CVAmp GitHub Wiki

  • proxyscrape $25 unlimited traffic 50% proxy-ipv4.com +

  • interval text box alternatives for ease of use

  • prevent one instance to send two message in a row

  • chat hotkey with specific messages for specific events (bosskills)

  • bake in webshare, on off switch, manual auto toggle, can get % error to notify users? remaining traffic

  • low cpu does not count viewers? remove?

  • logged out graphgq error in logs

  • rotating proxy

  • detect selected and issue warning regarding cpu,ram,traffic for proxy and www-provider

  • customizable referer, one file per supported page, randomized, natural looking

  • facebook possible?

  • phone verification detection

  • low cpu mode for more platforms like chzzk (supporter)

  • log the specific error that comes up in the console and results in the bot detected flag

  • click chest if visible on in status check loop, enable checkbox

  • kick auth biggest cookie copy and value again for kick_session, 1month valid

  • restarts every 10 minutes * instance_count could really cause many passport hits. fix ram issue or restart timer change option

  • chrome instances are not cleaned up correctly and pollute the host system

  • index out of range error

  • use twitch gql for info gathering https://github.com/rdavydov/Twitch-Channel-Points-Miner-v2/blob/63b8e77d4666628d07f9737fa5684ecd7f1453ae/TwitchChannelPointsMiner/constants.py#L49

  • user-agent from browser -> browser.version, scrap user-agents

  • gh promo tabs for ko-fi

  • available quality of stream, maybe via pulled via basic graphgql repo stared

  • kick auth, chat, follow investigation (supporter request)

  • Low cpu mode works and my viewers counted when running for more than one hour.

  • bot detected border around instances boxes

  • save settings for future startups

  • low-cpu mode breaks the chat functionality?

  • Add "Get Proxies" tab

  • Restart timer range selection in GUI, increase interval in between -> less cpu, but more ram leak is ok

  • screenshot with low cpu option: reenable video player for screenshot and then disable again (to see e.g. error message or buffering)

  • Check if network error #2000 "click here to reload player" is on-screen. Try 3 times and then back off.

  • shutdown detected instances, checkbox

  • test with edge to see what breaks

  • auto follow

  • Status refresh on different timer in options tab, with tooltip "resource saver".

  • dark mode gui

  • taskbar icon

  • persistent config and config tab

  • use prime sub

  • restart problematic instances with new proxy

  • simulate fluctuation in viewer numbers by stopping and starting some instances

  • clicking destroy one instance multiple e.g. 3 times, sends all commands to the latest and not e.g. last 3

  • manually set refresh timer to save resources, have commands on a different timer

  • FAQ with e.g. raids explanation and tunnel error -> try with empty proxy_list txt

  • check for phone verification banner, when trying to chat -> info in submenu (kofi supporter request)

  • light-weight instances spawning

  • give option for random auth_token selection on instance spawn

  • do not use websocket irc, use python irc with auth_token. for reading chat, feedback if message sent and login confirmation.

  • check established websocket via readyState == 1

  • User/pass Login via requests or via form https://playwright.dev/python/docs/release-notes#locators

  • New Relic usage logging

  • Do not rebuild GUI with https://github.com/TomSchimansky/CustomTkinter/wiki/CTkTabview, because pyinstaller -onefile not supported