User Stories - Keverdose/SOEN341-UC2 GitHub Wiki
Sprint #1
Sprint #2
Sprint #3
Sprint #4
Sprint 2; User Stories
As a new person on the website, I want to be able to create a profile, as well as sign back in if I already have an account.
As a user, I want to be able to create, edit and delete my posts.
As a user, I want to be able to answer questions that I have expertise in to help others.
As a user, I want a collection of all of my posts and replies to posts that I am related to so that I can quickly access them.
Sprint 3; User Stories
As a user, I would like to be able to change my password at any time.
As a user, I would like to be able to recover my password.
As a user I would like other people to be able to rate what they think is the best answer, so that I can test it first and then I would like to say which answer worked for me since it might not be the one with the highest rating.
As a user and an author of a post, I would like to be able to select which answer fixed my issue.
As a user , I would like to have a sidebar that would help me navigate to related posts.
Sprint 4; User Stories
As a user, I would like to have a sidebar when I am viewing a post, so that I can see other posts that are related to the current post I'm viewing.
As a user, I would like to search through the posts with a search bar on the navbar as opposed to scrolling through them all.
As a user, I would like to sort the posts by their category
As a user, I would like to have tags that categorize posts within categories to make finding answers easier.
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