Home - Keverdose/SOEN341-UC2 GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the SOEN341-UC2 wiki!
This is the repository for GROUP UC2 for Winter 2018 SOEN 341. The project involves making a question and answers website similar to StackOverflow while adding innovative features to make it better. All discussion and documentation concerning the project can be found in this GitHub repository. Software process followed is the agile methodology.
Team Members
Names | GitHub username | Student ID |
Conor Geoghegan | CogNoman |
40032571 |
Daniel Minkin | dminkin |
27630190 |
Kevin Ye | Keverdose |
40000926 |
Line Ghanem | LineG |
27280076 |
Marc-antoine Dubé | marcantoine1 |
40001791 |
Nadelina Georgieva | nadelinageorgieva |
27764456 |
Rob Drury | RjDrury |
40005181 |
Tyler Delaportas | TDDEL |
29720766 |
Everything is open source from the group meetings to the user stories. They are/will be posted on the wiki page shortly. To be able to run your own instance of this project, certain dependencies are require such as laravel.
To run an instance of this project, certain dependencies must be installed: php 7.1+
- Install the project
- Open the project in the terminal
- Create your own instance of .env by copying .env.example and change the .env file to use sqlite
- Create the database/database.sqlite file to create the database
- Run "composer install" in the terminal
- Run "php artisan key:generate" in the terminal
- Run "php artisan migrate:fresh --seed" in the terminal
- Run "php artisan serve" in the terminal
- Navigate to the hosted website (http://localhost:8000 by default)