Bayonetta 2 Binary XML (bxm files) - Kerilk/bayonetta_tools GitHub Wiki
bxm files present in Bayonetta 2. They are especially interesting as they give an XML representation of some files rather then a binary representation. The XML data is compressed. They can be decoded using Bayonetta 2 or for xml output: bxm_decoder.rb
bxm files start with a 16 byte header.
offset | size | c type | description |
0x00 | 4 | char[4] | "XML\x00" or "BXM\x00" |
0x04 | 4 | uint32_t | seems to be flags |
0x08 | 2 | uint16_t | node count |
0x0A | 2 | uint16_t | data count |
0x0C | 4 | uint32_t | data size |
Node Info
Directly following the header (at offset 0x10) is the node info. This is a list of structures of 8 bytes, one for each node, densely packed.
offset | size | c type | description |
0x00 | 2 | uint16_t | child count |
0x02 | 2 | uint16_t | first child index or next sibling list index |
0x04 | 2 | uint16_t | attribute count. |
0x06 | 2 | uint16_t | data index. Offset inside the data offset table, for node data and attributes. |
Data Offsets
Directly following the node info (offset: 0x10 + 8 * nodeCount). This is a list of structures of 4 bytes, one for each data, densely packed.
offset | size | c type | description |
0x00 | 2 | uint16_t | name offset |
0x02 | 2 | uint16_t | value offset |
A list of zero terminated C strings (offset: 0x10 + 8 * nodeCount + 4 * dataCount). Its size is given in the header. Offsets inside this blob are given in the previous table.