Shooter Speed Plan - KentridgeRobotics/2021Robot GitHub Wiki
January 30: Talk with the limelight and hood angle teams and figure out the math for the velocity. Assigned: Adrienne, Rumela, Reasha
February 1: find out where to put mathematical formula of velocity in ShooterSubsystem. Assigned: Adrienne, Rumela, Reasha
February 6: Write a tentative method in ShooterSubsystem for the math to calculate the velocity. Assigned: Adrienne, Rumela, Reasha
February 27: Test in-person for equation to translate velocity into RPM
March 1: Get line of best fit from data from in-person testing
March 13: Create method to calculate velocity and translate velocity into RPM
March 15: Push changes into git
March 24: Add shooter command that reads LimeLight distance to call ShooterSubsystem method to set speed based on distance. Need to talk with Limelight team to get more information. Assigned: Adrienne, Rumela, Reasha