Robot contents - KentridgeRobotics/2021Robot GitHub Wiki
Robot contents
What sensors and actuators and supporting electronics do we need to put on the robot?
Programming team (autonomous and other smart controls)
- Webcam for the driver station (Yaried)
- Long-distance rangefinder, forward-facing ** Maybe
- Ultrasonic range finders, multiple facing different directions ** Maybe 2 rangefinder modules, with 4 ultrasonic sensors on each
- Vision camera (Limelight or Pixy camera) for targeting (Luke)
- Gyro/IMU- (Tony)
Ball intake
- REV Robotics through bore encoder. Hall Effect sensor. (Research this) Possibly a limit switch as well. TalonSRX:to control speed on the chomper from going up and down
Ball Feeder
- Two proximity sensors (Adafruit VCNL4010; This has I2C)
- Datasheet: