Plan - Kennu76/DataMiningProject GitHub Wiki

Detailed plan

  1. Ask our contact in Starship Technologies a description of the data (i.e what do different columns mean). Also ask the contact what is the best method of merging the localization data with the sensor data.
  2. Retrieve the correct sensor data that fits with localization data aka filter out sensor data from robots that were not in Tallinn
  3. Merge sensor data with localization data
  4. Define a function of determining a road with either good quality or bad quality. Create 5 different classes of quality.
  5. Visualize the results after determining the quality of all the roads in Tallinn
  6. Create a road network for Tallinn aka merge Starship data with pre-existing road data packets.
  7. Bonus objective if there is enough time: create a distance matrix of different points of roads.
  8. Complete Project presentation

Kevin will do part 1 and 4.

Tõnis will do part 2 and 3.

Märten will do part 5 and 6.

Everybody will help with part 7 and part 8