Gameplay - Kenjor97/KriticGamesProject GitHub Wiki

Mechanics and Dynamics

List of mechanics and dynamics in the game

  • Mechanics

    • Basic mechanics

      • Run: The character moves at a constant speed. He can go to the left and to the right. It has a 1 second cooldown time when you stop doing it, and a 0.5 second time of response (provisional, we need to test it).

      • Jump: The character jumps, and can go to higher platforms, or other places, in order to not die or continue on a path. It has a 0,5 seconds of cooldown and response time (provisional, we need to test it). The charachter jumps 1.5 meters (provisional) up in the X and Y axis (or only in the Y axis if the player doesn't guide the jump direction), in a diagonal movement. The diagonal movement is more long if the player was running before jumping.

      • Melee Attack: The character can attack with his weapon, and hit enemies. A melee attack causes 50 points of damage. The melee attack can be used only in horizontal directions (left and right). It has a cooldown time for recover of 0.25 seconds (provisional, we have to test it).

      • Climb: The character can climb ladders if is near to them, above or below.

      • Drag: The character can drag things like boxes if it's near them and if he moves. Also, he can activate levers and switches.

      • Crouch: The character can crouch and avoid enemies attacks, hazards, etc. He can't move if is crouching.

    • Unlockable mechanics

      • Double Jump: The character jumps twice, one jump is in the air.The value of the double jump is the double of a normal jump. This mechanic can be unlocked if the player gets the special boots. The character jumps 3 meters (provisional) in the X and Y axis (or only in the Y axis if the player doesn't guide the jump direction) in a diagonal movement. The diagonal movement is more long if the player was running before jumping.

      • Wall Jump: If the character is near from a wall, touching it, he can jump to the opposite direction of the wall. For example, if the character is touching a left wall, the wall jump impulses him to the right in a diagonal movement. If the character is in the ground, he can do a normal jump and then a wall jump. He can't do a wall jump if isn't in the air first. This mechanic can be unlocked if the player gets the special boots. The character can do the wall jump in the same wall, like in Super Meat Boy. The character will slide while is touching a wall and he isn't on the ground. The character has a different animation when he touches a wall.

      • Distance Attack: The character can throw his weapon and hit enemies. It causes 75 points of damage. This attack can be used in 8 directions: up, down, left, right, diagonal left-up, diagonal left-down, diagonal right-up and diagonal right-down. The weapon is thrown 1.5 meters (provisional) away from the character. The player can move while the weapon returns back to him. It has a cooldown time for recover of 0.5 seconds (provisional, we have to test it). It can move the enemies to reduce the distance from the player.

      • Dash: The character moves quickly to the left or to the right, and can avoid attacks, hazards, etc. It has a cooldown time for recover of 1 second (provisional, we have to test it).

  • Dynamics
    • Jump + Dash: The player can combine these 2 mechanics in order to move quickly and go to higher places, avoid enemies attacks, etc.

    • Jump + Dash + Melee attack: The player can combine these 3 mechanics in order to attack enemies that are in higher places. It has a different melee attack animation. This combination gives the melee attack more damage points (100 points, provisional).

    • Jump + Dash + Distance attack: The player can combine these 3 mechanics in order to attack enemies and avoid attacks at the same time. It has a different distance attack animation. This combination gives the distance attack more damage points (125 points, provisional). The weapon is thrown 2.5 meters (provisional) away from the character.

    • Jump + Horizontal Distance attack: The player can do this and kill enemies that are in higher places. It has a different distance attack than the normal one.

    • Jump + Vertical Distance attack: The player can do this and kill enemies that are in higher places and distanced. It has a different distance attack than the normal one.

    • Jump + Melee attack:The player can do this and kill enemies that are in higher places.

    • Dash + Melee attack: It does the same that the Jump + Dash + Melee attack without the jump. It has a different melee attack animation. This combination gives the melee attack more damage points (100 points, provisional).

    • Dash + Horizontal Distance attack: It does the same that the Jump + Dash + Horizontal Distance attack without the jump. This combination gives the distance attack more damage points (125 points, provisonal).

    • Dash + Vertical Distance attack: It does the same that the Jump + Dash + Vertical Distance attack without the jump. This combination gives the distance attack more damage points (125 points, provisional).

    • Crouch + Horizontal Distance attack: It has a different distance animation. The player can avoid enemies attacks and attack at the same time to enemies that are in higher places and distanced.

    • Crouch + Vertical Distance attack: It has a different distance animation. The player can avoid enemies attacks and attack at the same time to enemies that are distanced more than 1 meter.

    • Crouch + Melee attack:It has a different distance animation. The player can avoid enemies attacks and attack at the same time.

    • Jump + Crouch: The player can jump and crouch in the air. That makes nothing special.

    • Jump+ Crouch + Distance Attack (horizontal and vertical): The player can attack enemies doing it.

    • Run + Jump: The player can run and jump, and if is in a horizontal direction, the character jumps more in the X axis, in a diagonal movement.

    • Run + Jump + Crouch: Like the Jump + Crouch dynamic, it does nothing spcecial, but the player can reach little secret places.

    • Run + Jump + Dash: A way to move faster around the levels.

    • Run + Jump + Dash + Distance Attack (Horizontal and Vertical): A beautiful dynamic to see.

    • Run + Jump + Dash + Melee Attack: Another way to attack enemies.

    • Walk

    • Walk+ Jump

    • Walk + Double Jump

    • Walk + Dash

    • Walk + Double Jump + Dash

    • Walk + Melee Attack

    • Walk + Jump

    • Walk + Jump + Attack

Attack Damage Points
Basic Melee Attack 50 Damage Points
Basic Distance Attack 100 Damage Points
Ataque en picado 200 Damage Points

The time recover after a complex dynamic is given by the next mechanic that the player does.

Mechanic Recover / Cooldown time
Basic Melee Attack 0.25 seconds
Basic Distance Attack 0.5 seconds
Dash 1 second
Jump 0.5 seconds
Mechanic Distances
Basic Melee Attack Near the character, not more than 0.5 meters
Basic Distance Attack 1.5 meters
Dash 1.5 meters
Dash + Distance attack 2.5 meters
Jump 1.5 meters (in the Y axis, the X axis is given by the time the player is guiding the jump, 1 m max)
Run + Jump 2 meters (in the Y axis, the X axis is given by the time the player is guiding the jump, 2 m max)

Game Flow

We designed the game trying to make it challenging and fun for our target. In order to do this, we decided to make simple mechanics and a lot of combination of them to do the dynamics. The main objective is clear: Kill all the bosses. Another of our goals is to have a lot of feedback for the player (mostly in the graphics and animations, but also in the audio). The difficulty is progressive, and the first steps in the game are designed to be like a tutorial and for the player to become familiar with the mechanics, the controls and the cameras. Also, the player can choose the difficulty of the game (provisional? We have to argue about this). And finally, the player can understand better the history and the lore progressively advancing the game.


In our game, the bosses will function as microflow parts. The bosses will be alone in different rooms, and when the player arrives to that rooms, they will fight to death in a one vs one combat. The bosses will have different patterns that the player has to discover to defeat them.


For more information about them, check the Characters Datasheet.

The Blacksmith

Smith is the best blacksmith of the Kingdom. One day, he proposed the Toy Maker to work together in new stuff, but the puppeteer rejected his proposal. Smith continued with his plan alone, and created new cool toys for the kids of the Kingdom, and new mechanic things that made the grown ups work easier. He was so happy, until the day that the Toy Maker creatures attacked the Kingdom's people. He felt guilty, and decided to fight the creatures and its creator.
Life Points: 350

First Enemy

The first enemy in the game is a wood-maded little puppet, that moves slow in a patrol. When it detects the player, it moves faster and attacks the player. It has 3 states: Patrol, Chase, Attack.
Detection distance: 1 meter
Attack Response/Cooldown time: 0.75 seconds
Detection time: 0.25 seconds
Patrol distance: 5 meters
Patrol time: 5 seconds
Attack Points: 50 points
Life Points: 50 points

Second Enemy

It's a tin soldier with a bayonet. He can stab or shoot the player. It is patrolling an area. It has 3 states: Patrol, Chase, Attack.
Detection distance: 2 meters
Attack Response/Cooldown time: 1 second
Detection time: 0.25 seconds
Patrol distance: 8 meters
Patrol time: 5 seconds
Attack Points: 100 points
Life Points: 100 points

Third Enemy

It's a surprise box with a clown inside. The clown is hidden until the player touches the box. When the clown isn't hidden, the box will jump randomly all over an area 3 times.
No detection distance
Minimum jump distance: 0.5 meters per jump
Maximum jump distance: 2 meters per jump
Attack points: 75 points
Life Points: 125 points

Fourth Enemy

It's a wood-maded fat big guy that seems a willow. It has 3 states: Patrol, Chase, Attack.
Detection distance: 3 meters
Attack Response/Cooldown time: 1.75 seconds
Detection time: 0.5 seconds
Patrol distance: 8 meters
Patrol time: 12 seconds
Stun Time: 0.75 seconds
Attack Points: 250 points
Life Points: 300 points


It's a bomber pupprteer. It throws bombs to the player. It will have a key. The player can hurt the enemy with the melee attack. It is in a high platform. La llave estará en un cofre en la punta izquierda de la habitación. Cuendo pasas un trigger al volver, se cierra la puerta y entra el boss. Tira bombas. En la plataforma principal hay pinchos.

Second Boss

It's a big head that seems a part of a trunk with two big fists. It gets angry when the player hits him. It has 3 states: Normal, Angry, Furious. The two fists are in two platforms. They can move an attack the player. It's stunned when he lost 50 per cent of life.
Detection distance: 3 meters per fist
Attack Response/Cooldown time: 2 seconds (if angry, 0.25 secs)
Detection time: 1 second (if angry, 0.25 secs)
Stun Time: 2 seconds
Attack Points: 125 points
Life Points: 350 points

Third Boss

It is an wood-maded archer with a flower in the head, and it wears a leaves dress and the special boots. It is jumping all the time between platforms. It has 3 states: Patrol, Chase, Attack.
Detection distance: 5 meters
Attack Response/Cooldown time: 0.75 seconds
Detection time: 0.25 seconds
Patrol distance: 15 meters Patrol time: 1 seconds per platform(after that time, it jumps to another platform) Stun Time: 0.55 seconds
Attack Points: 75 points
Life Points: 400 points

The Toy Maker

He was good at his job. He created toys and puppets for the children of the Kingdom. When the people of the Kingdom started to forget about him and his creatures, he was so furious and planned a revenge. Is the final boss. He has a stick, and can attack with it (melee and distance attack). Also, he can create wood boards and throw them to the player. He has 3 states: First attack, Second attack, Chase.
Detection distance: 7 meters
Attack Response/Cooldown time: 0.25 seconds
Detection time: 0.25 seconds
Patrol distance: 15 meters
Patrol time: 3 seconds
Stun Time: 0.5 seconds
Attack Points: 175 points
Life Points: 900 points

Items and Power ups

  • Special Boots: The player can achieve this special item killing the second boss. The player can do the Double Jump and the Wall Jump only when he has this item.
  • Keys: The player needs these keys to open locked rooms.
  • Boxes: The player can destroy these boxes. Inside them, will be the little hammers.
  • Litlle hammer: When the player destroys a box, a little hammer will appear. These hammers gives heañth to the player.


  • Hammer: It's the main weapon of the player. The player only can do the Melee attack with this weapon.
  • Huge Hammer: The player can achieve this weapon and do the Distance attack only with this weapon.

Movement and Physics

Camera System

The camera will be mostly a lateral scroll camera, with a camera-window (horizontal and vertical) Curb Camera motion. That means that the camera position will be pushed when the player hits the window edge. Also, the camera will have a speed-up-pull-zone smooth, that pulls the camera to catch up with player's speed after it crosses over window's edge. Also some camera movements will be manual, the player controls it.It happens when the player looks up or down.


These are the original Controls. The player can change it.

  • A / D/ arrow keys to move: W to look up, A to move to the left, S to look down, D to move to the right. Same with the arrow keys. Also to move in menus (W / up arrow key to go up, S / Down arrow key to go down).
  • ** W to look up
  • Spacebar key to jump. When the player has the skill, it can do the double jump pressing two times the Space.
  • Left Shift key to dash.
  • E key to do the melee attack. If the player mantains pressing the button for a second and it has the skill, it can do the Distance attack.
  • P key or Escape key to pause the game.
  • Mouse and Mouse Left Click button to move in menu screen. Also the player can attack with the Left Click button, just like with the E key.
  • Enter key to accept in menus.
  • Backspace key to decline/ go back in menus.

For the Xbox 360 controller:

  • Directional pad to move (same as with the keyboard).
  • Left Stick to move too.
  • A button to Jump. When the player has the skill, it can do the double jump pressing two times the A button.Also works to accept in menus.
  • B button to do the melee attack. If the player mantains pressing the button for a second and it has the skill, it can do the Distance attack. Also works to decline / go back in menus.
  • X Button to dash.
  • START button to pause the game.

Interaction between elements

The player can interact with all the enemies, it can hit them, an they can hit the player. The player can activate switches. The player can throw the huge hammer. The huge hammer and the normal hammer hit the enemies. All the characters touch the ground. The player can grab the keys. The player can touch walls and platforms. The player can grab the special boots. The player can destroy the boxes over the levels and pick up the little hammers that give him health.

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