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Characters Datasheet

  • The Blacksmith

    • Name: Smith

    • Age: 32

    • Place of Birth: Unknown

    • Characteristics:

      • Physical Features: 1.5 meters tall, 80 kgs weight, big build, redhead, with a big and long beard, like a viking. He wears a helmet and an armor in an arm.He doesn't have any protection in the torso. He wears black boots, and he has an axe.
      • Psychological Traits: He is a decided person, a tireless worker, friendly, a good neighbour, helpful, and very smart. He's a Blacksmith, the best in his job. He moves quickly and with decision. He has good manners, except when he is angry.
    • Purpose: He wants to stop the toy maker and his evil creatures becasue he feels guilty. He thinks that is his fault that the toy maker decided to attack the Kingdom's innocent people. He trusted in the toy maker, but now is mad at him.

    • Skills: He is very strong. He can destroy the toy maker's creatures easily. He's a master with the axe and the mallet. He can jump very high and do spectacular movementsfor a man with his complexion.

    • Flaws: He doesn't run so much. He han't a lot of health. He's very risky and stubborn.

  • The toy maker

    • Name: Unknwon

    • Age: 50

    • Place of Birth: Unknown

    • Characteristics:

      • Physical Features: 1.65 meters tall, 60 kgs weight, normal build, with a lot of wood body parts, like his legs or his arms. He wears brown cap with a hood, and orange and black trousers. He has a wood stick.
      • Psychological Traits: He is an evil person, with a lot of ego and low self-steem. He needs to prove that he's more powerful, smart, rything than all the people. He's a toy maker, the best in his job. He moves very quickly and with decision, and calm. He has bad manners always.
    • Purpose: He wants to rule in the Kingdom and show all the people that he's the boss. He's hurt because the people rejected his loved creatures.

    • Skills: He is very smart. He can create evil creatures easily. He's a master with his stick and he has evil powers.

    • Flaws: He has too confidence in his powers. He's very risky and stubborn.

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