func isBetween(min: Int?, max: Int?) -> Bool
: Indicates if an Int is in range [min, max]. If min is nil, then it is considered to be -infinite. If max is nil, then it is considered to be +infinite.
func toHexadecimal() -> String
: Convert an Int value into hexadecimal format.
func toBinary() -> String
: Convert an Int value into binary format.
func toBase(_ base: Int) -> String
: Convert an Int value into base format.
static func toHexadecimal(_ value: Int) -> String
: Convert value into hexadecimal format.
static func toBinary(_ value: Int) -> String
: Convert value into binary format.
static func toBase(_ value: Int, base: Int) -> String
: Convert value into base format.
static func fromHexadecimal(_ value: String) -> Int?
: Convert a String representing the hexadecimal value into Int.
static func fromBinary(_ value: String) -> Int?
: Convert a String representing the binary value into Int.
static func fromBase(_ value: String, base: Int) -> Int?
: Convert a String representing the value encoded in base into Int.
static func random(min: Int?, max: Int?) -> Int
: Generates a random number in range [min, max]. If min is nil, then it is considered to be Int32.min. If max is nil, then it is considered to be Int32.max.