Scripts - Kelleth/pyage-aco-solver GitHub Wiki
Available scripts:
- scripts/
- scripts/
- scripts/
Commands that can be used to run application on 12-core machines on plgrid queue are in scripts/runner.conf
- To run this application you must place repository in home directory on your Zeus account and pass cities filename (without extention) as parameter.
- Usage example:
qsub -l nodes=1:ppn=12 -F berlin52 -q plgrid
- Program will run on 12 threads.
- Output files will be saved in outputs/ directory
- This script is very similar to previous one, but can be run on any machine (as above, you must put repository to your home directory).
- Usage example:
sh berlin52
- Program will run on 4 threads.
- Output files will be saved in outputs/ directory
- Last script is used for plotting. If you want to plot results for specific cities, just change for loop range parameters ('for i in 0 1 2' - numbers match cities in 2nd and 3rd lines)
- Usage example:
GNUplot scripts
Every script (except path.plt) needs adjustment of yrange parameter, because plot overwrites legend.
Used to plot results of *_(cs|la|ha)_avg.dat files.
Result: comparision of all ants (except BC) in specified population with standard deviation.
Used to plot results of *_(cs|la|ha)_avg.dat files.
Result: comparision of all ants in specified population with standard deviation.
Used to plot results of *_avg_summary.dat files.
Result: comparision of all 4 populations with standard deviation.
Used to plot results of *_path.dat files.
Result: Best path for speciefied population