FAQ - Keksuccino/Spiffy-HUD GitHub Wiki
Here you can find frequently asked questions about FancyHud. Please read this before asking anything.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is FancyHud?
FancyHud is a Minecraft mod to customize the look and feel of the HUD, like adding new elements to it and edit existing HUD elements.
How to get rid of the customization button in the pause menu?
You can toggle its visibility by pressing CTRL + ALT + C (by default; changeable in MC settings) or by disabling them in the mod settings.
How can I customize the HUD?
If you're new to FancyHud, please take a look at the wiki. It will help you to understand how FancyHud works and how to make your HUD awesome!
What does term X mean?
If you don't know what's the meaning of one of FancyMenu's special terms, you can check out the FancyMenu Slang page.
Can I use FancyHud in my modpack?
Yes! You can freely use FancyHud without any special requirements!
Resizing the Minecraft window or changing the scale destroys my layout, what can I do?
You're probably using wrong orientations for your elements.
What's a good place to ask for help about FancyHud?
I'm very active in discord and will give my best to help you with your problem!
Another HUD mod isn't compatible with FancyHud, what can I do?
Most HUD mods aren't fully compatible with FancyHud. They should work in most cases, but you will not be able to customize elements added by mods. This also includes overridden elements. So if a mod is overriding, for example, the health bar, it will no longer be customizable by FancyHud.
Mod developers need to add support for FancyHud by themselfs, it's not possible to add support for them on FancyHud's end.
How can I make my mod compatible with or add extensions to FancyHud?
Your mod isn't compatible with FancyHud or you want to make an extension to add more features? No problem, that's what the FancyHud API is for!
For adding support to existing mods that override or extend vanilla elements like the health bar, the easiest way is to get the positions of FancyHud's vanilla HUD elements and just set them to your own element. That way, you have at least added position customization support!
The mod is crashing my game! What's wrong?
I'm sorry to hear that! I always try to make my mods as stable as possible, but if you encounter an error or crash, please open a bug report ticket with detailed informations about what happened and I will give my best to help you and fix the bug!
- If using other mods: One of your other mods could be incompatible with FancyHud, so please don't forget to check out the list of incompatible mods too!
I have a nice idea, how can I suggest it to you?
That's great! If you have an idea for FancyHud, please open a feature request!
Where can I share my cool HUDs with the community?
You can share your creations in Discord, if you want!
Will you backport the mod to MC version X?
It's possible that I backport FancyHud to more older versions in the future, but asking me will not make the porting-process any faster. You will know it when you see the download on the CurseForge page.
Where can I check if my other mods are compatible with FancyMenu?
There is a list of incompatible mods in the wiki you can check out! Of course, this list is not complete, but it's a good start to check why something is not working as expected!