Customization Helper - Keksuccino/Spiffy-HUD GitHub Wiki
Maybe you've already discovered the weird button in the bottom-left corner of your pause menu. This is the Customization Helper. It contains everything you need to customize your HUD.
When you click on this button, you will open a pretty empty menu with just a cute menu bar at the top. You can manage and create layouts for your HUD here.
The Reload Button
The little curved/spinning arrow button on the right side is the reload button.
This button reloads much things that FancyHud caches, like layout files, the mod settings and slideshows.
Customizing the HUD
The Ingame HUD tab contains everything to create and manage layouts for the HUD.
This option allows you to create and manage layouts for the current menu. With layouts, you can completely customize the look and feel of your HUD.
Clicking on New or Edit will open the Layout Editor.
The Tools tab contains useful tools to make the customization process a bit easier.