[API] Custom Elements - Keksuccino/Spiffy-HUD GitHub Wiki

0. About

The Spiffy HUD API allows you to add your own custom elements via an extension mod, so you can use them in layouts.

1. Preparing Your Workspace

To prepare your workspace for the Spiffy HUD API, please take a look at the Prepare Workspace wiki page.

2. Adding New Elements

Every custom element (or item, as elements are called internally) needs to be wrapped into a CustomizationItemContainer. This container needs to be registered to the CustomizationItemRegistry on mod init.

2.1. Creating the Item

The actual class of items is CustomizationItem. This class is the item body which renders it and stores all of its properties.

Create a new subclass of CustomizationItem for your item and give it a fitting name. In this case, I will name my example item class ExampleCustomizationItem.

There are two important things in this class.

2.1.1. The Constructor

The first important thing is the class constructor. Here you need to de-serialize properties of saved/serialized item instances and set it to the new real instance. Items get serialized to PropertiesSections, when saved to a layout.

You just need to care about your own custom item values here. Basic stuff like item width, height, orientation, X position and Y poosition are part of every item by default and get handled by the superclass.

//The constuctor is used to de-serialize the PropertiesSection and set all of its values to the new real item instance.
public ExampleCustomizationItem(CustomizationItemContainer parentContainer, PropertiesSection item) {

    //The superclass will automatically get values like orientation, x pos, y pos, width and height and will set it to the real item instance.
    super(parentContainer, item);

    //Getting a custom property from the serialized item instance and set it to the real instance
    String someProperty = item.getEntryValue("saved_property");
    if (someProperty != null) {
        this.someField = someProperty;


2.1.2. The render() Method

The second important thing. Here you will render your item (duh). This is basically your item body. The visible part of your item. What you see in the menu later.

So just do your thing here, you know?

The only really necessary part here is to wrap everything in this method into shouldRender(). This method checks for visibility requirements and other important stuff. So don't forget this, okay?

public void render(PoseStack matrix, Screen menu) throws IOException {

    //This is really important and should be in every item render method, to check for visibility requirements and more.
    if (this.shouldRender()) {

        //Always use getPosX() and getPosY() to get the X and Y positions of the item.
        //The fields posX and posY aren't the final position, just the base pos without the orientation!
        int x = this.getPosX(menu);
        int y = this.getPosY(menu);
        //We want to use placeholder text values for our 'someField' string, so we use the DynamicValueHelper to convert them,
        //but they should look like placeholders in the editor, so we only convert them when not in the editor.
        String text;
        if (!isEditorActive()) {
            text = DynamicValueHelper.convertFromRaw(this.someField);
        } else {
            text = StringUtils.convertFormatCodes(this.someField, "&", "§");

        //Always try to make your items' opacity changeable by setting the 'opacity' field!
        //This field is set by the "delay appearance" feature to control the fade-in opacity.
        drawString(matrix, Minecraft.getInstance().font, text, x + 10, y + 10, -1 | Mth.ceil(this.opacity * 255.0F) << 24);



2.1.3. Full Example

Here is a full working CustomizationItem example.

package de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.api.item.example;

import com.mojang.blaze3d.systems.RenderSystem;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.PoseStack;
import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.item.CustomizationItem;
import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.api.item.CustomizationItemContainer;
import de.keksuccino.fancymenu.menu.fancy.DynamicValueHelper;
import de.keksuccino.konkrete.input.StringUtils;
import de.keksuccino.konkrete.properties.PropertiesSection;
import de.keksuccino.konkrete.rendering.RenderUtils;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen;
import net.minecraft.util.Mth;

import java.awt.*;
import java.io.IOException;

public class ExampleCustomizationItem extends CustomizationItem {

    public String displayText = "placeholder";
    public String backgroundColorString = "#38ff38";
    public Color backgroundColor = new Color(56, 255, 56);

    //The constuctor is used to de-serialize the PropertiesSection and set all of its values to the new real item instance.
    public ExampleCustomizationItem(CustomizationItemContainer parentContainer, PropertiesSection item) {

        //The superclass will automatically get values like orientation, x pos, y pos, width and height and will set it to the real item instance.
        super(parentContainer, item);

        //Getting the background HEX color from the serialized item
        String backColorHex = item.getEntryValue("background_color");
        if (backColorHex != null) {
            Color c = RenderUtils.getColorFromHexString(backColorHex);
            if (c != null) {
                this.backgroundColor = c;
                this.backgroundColorString = backColorHex;

        //Getting the display text string from the serialized item
        String dText = item.getEntryValue("display_text");
        if (dText != null) {
            this.displayText = dText;


    public void render(PoseStack matrix, Screen menu) throws IOException {

        //This is really important and should be in every item render method, to check for visibility requirements and more.
        if (this.shouldRender()) {

            //Always use getPosX() and getPosY() to get the X and Y positions of the item.
            //The fields posX and posY aren't the final position, just the base pos without the orientation!
            int x = this.getPosX(menu);
            int y = this.getPosY(menu);


            //Rendering the background color as background of the item.
            fill(matrix, x, y, x + this.getWidth(), y + this.getHeight(), this.backgroundColor.getRGB() | Mth.ceil(this.opacity * 255.0F) << 24);

            //Rendering the display text to the upper-left side of the item
            if (this.displayText != null) {
                //We want to use placeholder text values for the display text, so we use the DynamicValueHelper to convert them,
                //but they should look like placeholders in the editor, so we only convert them when not in the editor.
                String text;
                if (!isEditorActive()) {
                    text = DynamicValueHelper.convertFromRaw(this.displayText);
                } else {
                    text = StringUtils.convertFormatCodes(this.displayText, "&", "§");
                //The 'opacity' field is used to set the fade-in opacity of the item when the "delay appearance" option is enabled for it.
                //Always try to make your items' opacity changeable by setting the 'opacity' field! (I also used it in the fill method for the background)
                drawString(matrix, Minecraft.getInstance().font, text, x + 10, y + 10, -1 | Mth.ceil(this.opacity * 255.0F) << 24);




2.2. Creating the Editor Element

LayoutEditorElements contain everything that's important for your item when in the layout editor. This includes all UI parts related to your item, like the context menu when right-clicking an item in the editor.

Create a new subclass of LayoutEditorElement for your item and give it a fitting name. In this case, I will name my example editor element class ExampleLayoutEditorElement.

There are two important methods in this class that need your attention.

2.2.1. The init() Method

This is the first important method and is called by the editor to initialize your editor element (mostly to initalize the UI).

Every editor element has a rightclickMenu field. This is the right-click context menu if the element. This context menu already contains all the default stuff like setting the orientation, deleting the element, etc.

If you now want to make it possible to edit your own custom values of your item here, you need to add new entries to said context menu and link them to your item.

The object field of the editor element class is your actual CustomizationItem instance, just cast it to your item subclass (ExampleCustomizationItem in this case) to use its custom fields and methods.

public void init() {

    //The superclass adds basic stuff to the right-click context menu, like visibility requirement controls, delete controls, orientation, etc.

    //The 'object' field holds the CustomizationItem instance of this element.
    //Cast it to your own item class, to get and set your own fields.
    ExampleCustomizationItem i = ((ExampleCustomizationItem)this.object);

    //This button will be part of the right-click context menu of the element and is used to change the 'someField' field of the CustomizationItem subclass.
    AdvancedButton someFieldButton = new AdvancedButton(0, 0, 0, 0, "Set Some Field", (press) -> {
        //This is the basic input popup for text content, used in many parts of FancyMenu.
        FMTextInputPopup pop = new FMTextInputPopup(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), "Set Some Field Content", null, 240, (callback) -> {
            //The callback of popups will be null, when pressing ESC in it to force-close it.
            if (callback != null) {
                if (!callback.equals(i.someField)) {
                    //Create a snapshot before every change, so you can undo the change in the editor (using CTRL + Z)
                    //Now set the new value to the item instance
                    i.someField = callback;
        //Set the current value as default text of the text input popup
        if (i.someField != null) {
        //Open the popup
    someFieldButton.setDescription("This is just an example button tooltip.");
    //Add the button to the right-click context menu content


2.2.2. The serializeItem() Method

Simple but important! The second important method is called when saving the layout. Here your item instance (object field) gets serialized to a SimplePropertiesSection to save its properties in the layout file.

All the default stuff like width, height, orientation, X pos, Y pos, visibility requirements and more will be automatically added to the serialized instance, so you just need to care about your own custom values here.

public SimplePropertiesSection serializeItem() {

    ExampleCustomizationItem i = ((ExampleCustomizationItem)this.object);

    SimplePropertiesSection sec = new SimplePropertiesSection();

    //Add your custom item values here, so they get saved and can later be de-serialized again.
    sec.addEntry("saved_property", i.someField);

    return sec;


2.2.3. Full Example

Here is a full working LayoutEditorElement example.

package de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.api.item.v2.example;

import de.keksuccino.konkrete.gui.content.AdvancedButton;
import de.keksuccino.konkrete.gui.screens.popup.PopupHandler;
import de.keksuccino.konkrete.rendering.RenderUtils;
import de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.api.item.v2.LayoutEditorElement;
import de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.customization.helper.editor.LayoutEditorScreen;
import de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.customization.helper.ui.popup.DynamicValueInputPopup;
import de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.customization.helper.ui.popup.FHTextInputPopup;

import java.awt.*;

public class ExampleLayoutEditorElement extends LayoutEditorElement {

    public ExampleLayoutEditorElement(ExampleCustomizationItemContainer parentContainer, ExampleCustomizationItem customizationItemInstance, LayoutEditorScreen handler) {
        super(parentContainer, customizationItemInstance, true, handler);

    public void init() {

        //The superclass adds basic stuff to the right-click context menu, like visibility requirement controls, delete controls, orientation, etc.

        //The 'object' field holds the CustomizationItem instance of this element.
        //Cast it to your own item class, to get and set your own fields.
        ExampleCustomizationItem i = ((ExampleCustomizationItem)this.object);

        //This button will be part of the right-click context menu of the element and is uses to change the background color value of the item.
        AdvancedButton backgroundColorButton = new AdvancedButton(0, 0, 0, 0, "Background Color", (press) -> {
            //This is the basic input popup for text content, used in many parts of FancyMenu.
            FHTextInputPopup pop = new FHTextInputPopup(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), "Background Color HEX", null, 240, (callback) -> {
                //The callback of popups will be null, when pressing ESC in it to force-close it.
                if (callback != null) {
                    if (!callback.equals(i.backgroundColorString)) {
                        Color c = RenderUtils.getColorFromHexString(callback);
                        if (c != null) {
                            //Create a snapshot before every change, so you can undo the change in the editor (using CTRL + Z)
                            //Now set the new values to the item instance
                            i.backgroundColorString = callback;
                            i.backgroundColor = c;
            //Set the current value as default text of the text input popup
            if (i.backgroundColorString != null) {
            //Open the popup
        backgroundColorButton.setDescription("This is just an example button tooltip.");
        //Add the button to the right-click context menu content

        //This is the button to change the display text of the item. Will also be part of the right-click context menu.
        AdvancedButton displayTextButton = new AdvancedButton(0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Text", (press) -> {
            //This is also a text input popup, but with placeholder text value support (the little icon at the right side of the input field)
            DynamicValueInputPopup pop = new DynamicValueInputPopup(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), "Set Display Text", null, 240, (callback) -> {
                if (callback != null) {
                    if (!callback.equals(i.displayText)) {
                        //Again, save a snapshot before changing something!
                        //Setting the new display text value
                        i.displayText = callback;
            if (i.displayText != null) {


    public SimplePropertiesSection serializeItem() {

        ExampleCustomizationItem i = ((ExampleCustomizationItem)this.object);

        SimplePropertiesSection sec = new SimplePropertiesSection();

        //Add your custom item values here, so they get saved and can later be de-serialized again.
        sec.addEntry("background_color", i.backgroundColorString);
        sec.addEntry("display_text", i.displayText);

        return sec;



2.3. Creating the Container

The last class we need for our item is a subclass of CustomizationItemContainer. This container is basically an instance builder for CustomizationItems and LayoutEditorElements.

Create a new subclass of CustomizationItemContainer for your item and give it a fitting name. In this case, I will name my example container class ExampleCustomizationItemContainer.

2.3.1. The Item Identifier

The constructor of the item container needs a unique item identifier. This identifier needs to be unique, it's not possible to register two items with the same identifier, so just use something like your username as prefix.

You should just set this identifier directly in the subclass constructor.

public ExampleCustomizationItemContainer() {

2.3.2. The Instance Builders

The item container is used to build instances of your CustomizationItem subclass and your LayoutEditorElement subclass. You need to set up the builder methods so the container can construct instances of your subclasses.

//This will construct a default instance of your CustomizationItem without any customizations made to it.
public CustomizationItem constructDefaultItemInstance() {
    //Just use an empty properties section here.
    //Make sure that your CustomizationItem accepts empty sections without throwing errors!
    ExampleCustomizationItem i = new ExampleCustomizationItem(this, new PropertiesSection("dummy"));
    //The default size of 10x10 would be a bit too small for the item, so I set a new default size of 100x100 to the default instance.
    //This means that now every new item of this type will have a size of 100x100 by default.
    i.width = 100;
    i.height = 100;
    return i;

//This will construct a customized instance of your CustomizationItem, using the given PropertiesSection (serialized item) to set all customizations.
public CustomizationItem constructCustomizedItemInstance(PropertiesSection serializedItem) {
    return new ExampleCustomizationItem(this, serializedItem);

//This will construct a new instance of your LayoutEditorElement, used in the layout editor.
public LayoutEditorElement constructEditorElementInstance(CustomizationItem item, LayoutEditorScreen handler) {
    return new ExampleLayoutEditorElement(this, (ExampleCustomizationItem) item, handler);

2.3.4. The Display Name

You need to set a display name for your item. This display name is used in the layout editor.

The method allows you to localize the display name.

public String getDisplayName() {
    return "Example Item";

2.3.5. The Description

The description of your item is displayed when hovering over the button to add a new item of this type in the layout editor.

public String[] getDescription() {
    return new String[] {
        "This is a description",
        "with 2 lines of text."

2.3.6. Full Example

Here is a full working CustomizationItemContainer example.

package de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.api.item.v2.example;

import de.keksuccino.konkrete.properties.PropertiesSection;
import de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.api.item.v2.CustomizationItem;
import de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.api.item.v2.CustomizationItemContainer;
import de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.api.item.v2.LayoutEditorElement;
import de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.customization.helper.editor.LayoutEditorScreen;

//This needs to be registered to the CustomizationItemRegistry at mod init
public class ExampleCustomizationItemContainer extends CustomizationItemContainer {

    public ExampleCustomizationItemContainer() {

    public CustomizationItem constructDefaultItemInstance() {
        ExampleCustomizationItem i = new ExampleCustomizationItem(this, new PropertiesSection("dummy"));
        //The default size of 10x10 would be a bit too small for the item, so I set a new default size of 100x100 to the default instance.
        //This means that now every new item of this type will have a size of 100x100 by default.
        i.width = 100;
        i.height = 100;
        return i;

    public CustomizationItem constructCustomizedItemInstance(PropertiesSection serializedItem) {
        return new ExampleCustomizationItem(this, serializedItem);

    public LayoutEditorElement constructEditorElementInstance(CustomizationItem item, LayoutEditorScreen handler) {
        return new ExampleLayoutEditorElement(this, (ExampleCustomizationItem) item, handler);

    public String getDisplayName() {
        return "Example Item";

    public String[] getDescription() {
        return new String[] {
                "This is a description",
                "with 2 lines of text."


2.4. Registering The Container

You're almost done! Just one last, important step.

Spiffy HUD needs to know about your custom item, so you need to register your CustomizationItemContainer to the CustomizationItemRegistery when your extension mod gets initialized.

package de.keksuccino.extension;

import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
import de.keksuccino.spiffyhud.api.item.v2.CustomizationItemRegistry;

public class ExampleModMainClass {
   public ExampleModMainClass() {
      try {
         //Register your CustomizationItemContainer to the CustomizationItemRegistry at mod init.
         CustomizationItemRegistry.registerItem(new ExampleCustomizationItemContainer());
      } catch (Exception e) {


Now you can use your own item in layouts!