User Story - Keith-Mitchell/Software-Dev GitHub Wiki

User Stories and Prioritization

1. Iteration 1

Title: UI Creation

Priority: 1

Units: 5

As an end-user, I want an easy-to-use interface so that I can keep my mind on the game.


  • Research popular text-based games to build a better mental image of the UI

  • Build the splash screen

  • Build the main-screen UI based off of the research

Title: Story Creation

Priority: 1

Units: 5

As a gamer, I want a story that will keep me engaged.


  • Decide on a genre of story

  • Research the decided genre

  • Write a coherent story arc

Title: Fluidity

Priority: 5

Units: 2

As an experienced gamer, I would like to use hot-keys rather-than using a mouse.


  • Build Hot-key functionality in from the ground-level.

2. Iteration 2

Title: Logic/Pathing

Priority: 1

Units: 6

As a gamer, I want multiple endings so that the replayability is high.


  • Work on more story arcs for the overall theme

Title: Randomization

Priority: 2

Units: 4

As a gamer, I want the game to be different every time I play it so that the game stays interesting.


  • Build a point based system to assign random elements and challenges to each game session

3. Iteration 3

Title: Artificial Intelligence

Priority: 2

Units: 10

As a stakeholder, I want an AI enabled so that the end-user is challenged.


  • Build an AI capable of interfering with the interactions the end-user makes within the game.