Project Proposal - Keith-Mitchell/Software-Dev GitHub Wiki

Project Proposal for CS478.001



We will be working on creating a text adventure in C# based on the recent surge in popularity of such media.


  • Creation of a fully completed text adventure
  • Multiple different endings
  • A functional and ascetically pleasing interface build in C#
  • A fun and fulfilling experience for individuals currently in higher education


  • Budget- None - We will be doing this free of charge as it is part of the course requirements
  • Operating Systems - Microsoft Windows - We will only be working towards making the application compatible with windows. If time permits, we will extend our scope to include other popular operating systems such as ios, Android, and Linux.
  • Hardware - Any Capable of running Microsoft Windows - As stated before everything outside of windows support is currently outside the project scope; however, adjustments to the scope of the project are to be expected making it feasible that scope creep leads to the addition of greater hardware support.


  • Story and Flow - Keith Mitchell will be responsible for the story and flow of the game as he has done extensive research on such things and has created multiple different stories in the past.
  • Technical Aspects - All team members should be proficient with C# as the class requirements for the course have multiple classes heavily involved with said language.
  • Deadlines - Deadlines should easily be met with four individuals proficient with the language used to make the project.


  • inclement weather preventing team meetings could prevent meeting deadlines
  • reception of the project will be entirely based on ones interest in said genre
  • As there is not a budget, there is no risk of loss of funding from this project
  • Currently the story will be written by one individual. Failure by that individual to complete their tasks in a timely manner will result in the entire project timeline being pushed back