Traversal Concepts - KeRNeLith/QuikGraph GitHub Wiki

Traversal Concepts

The traversal concepts define the different ways the vertices and edges of a graph can be accessed and enumerated.


All the interfaces depend on 2 generic parameters TVertex and TEdge, where TEdge has the additional constraint of implementing IEdge<TVertex>.

Each of these interfaces is described below (generic arguments have been omitted for the sake of clarity):

  • IImplicitGraph defines a graph that contains information about the out-edges of a vertex. This interface is particularly important when the size of your graph is infinite and you only have “local information”.
  • IIncidenceGraph extends IImplicitGraph by providing the out-edges count.
  • IVertexListGraph defines a graph that publishes the collection of vertices. With this concept, one can iterate the vertices and access the out-edges of each vertex. This is an important concept that is used by many algorithms.
  • IEdgeListGraph defines a graph that publishes the collection of edges. No information about out-edges is available.
  • IVertexAndEdgeListGraph merges IVertexListGraph and IEdgeListGraph functionalities
  • IBidirectionalGraph defines a vertex list graph that also publishes the in-edges. Such graph can be used to explore a graph in a both directions.


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