Troubleshooting - Kayant/powerlevel9k GitHub Wiki

Here are some fixes to some common problems.

Gaps Between Segments

You can see this issue in the screenshot, below:

Thankfully, this is easy to fix. This happens if you have successfully installed Powerline fonts, but did not make a Powerline font the default font in your terminal emulator (e.g., 'terminator', 'gnome-terminal', 'konsole', etc.,).

Segment Colors are Wrong

If the color display within your terminal seems off, it's possible you are using a reduced color set. You can check this by invoking echotc Co in your terminal, which should yield 256. If you see something different, try setting xterm-256color in your ~/.zshrc:


Segment Separators are Wrong Color

If the segment separators in your prompt are a different shade than the segments themselves, like this:

then the issue is your terminal emulator. This issue is most common in OSX's default Terminal application. If you are on OSX, you will need to use an alternative emulator, like iTerm2 to see the proper colors.

Strange Characters in Prompt

If your prompt shows strange character like this:

it is most likely that you set POWERLEVEL9K_MODE="awesome-patched", but did not install an awesome-font. For most other modes, you need a powerline-patched font.