Install Instructions - Kayant/powerlevel9k GitHub Wiki
There are two steps to start using this theme:
- Install the Powerlevel9k Theme
- Vanilla ZSH Install
- Oh-My-ZSH Install
- Prezto Install
- Antigen Install
- Zplug Install
- Zgen Install
- Antibody Install
- ZPM Install
- ZIM Install
- Install Powerline-Patched Fonts
To get the most out of Powerlevel9k, you need to install both the theme as well
as Powerline-patched fonts, if you don't have them installed already. If you
cannot install Powerline-patched fonts for some reason, follow the instructions
below for a compatible
No configuration is necessary post-installation if you like the default settings, but there is plenty of segment configuration available if you are interested.
Step 1: Install Powerlevel9k
There are several ways to install and use the Powerlevel9k theme: vanilla ZSH, Oh-My-Zsh, Prezto, Antigen, Zgen, Antibody, ZPM and ZIM. Do one of the following, depending on how you use ZSH.
Option 1: Install for Vanilla ZSH
If you just use a vanilla ZSH install, simply clone this repository and
reference it in your ~/.zshrc
$ git clone ~/powerlevel9k
$ echo 'source ~/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme' >> ~/.zshrc
Option 2: Install for Oh-My-ZSH
To install this theme for use in
Oh-My-Zsh, clone this repository
into your OMZ custom/themes
$ git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel9k
You then need to select this theme in your ~/.zshrc
Option 3: Install for Prezto
To install this theme for use in Prezto, clone this repository into your
Prezto prompt/external
$ git clone ~/.zprezto/modules/prompt/external/powerlevel9k
$ ln -s ~/.zprezto/modules/prompt/external/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme ~/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_powerlevel9k_setup
You then need to select this theme in your ~/.zpreztorc
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'powerlevel9k'
Option 4: Install for antigen
To install this theme for use in antigen, just add this
in your ~/.zshrc
antigen theme bhilburn/powerlevel9k powerlevel9k
antigen apply
Note that you should define any customizations at the top of your .zshrc
(i.e. setting the POWERLEVEL9K_*
variables) in your .zshrc
Option 5: Install for Zplug
To install this theme for use in Zplug, just add this
in your ~/.zshrc
zplug "bhilburn/powerlevel9k", of:powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
Note that you should define any customizations at the top of your .zshrc
(i.e. setting the POWERLEVEL9K_*
variables) in your .zshrc
Option 6: Install for Zgen
To install this theme for use in zgen, just add this
in your ~/.zshrc
zgen load bhilburn/powerlevel9k powerlevel9k
Note that you should define any customizations at the top of your .zshrc
(i.e. setting the POWERLEVEL9K_*
variables) in your .zshrc
Option 7: Install for Antibody
To install this theme for use in Antibody, just add this
in your ~/.zshrc
antibody bundle bhilburn/powerlevel9k
Note that you should define any customizations at the top of your .zshrc
(i.e. setting the POWERLEVEL9K_*
variables) in your .zshrc
Option 8: Install for ZPM
To install this theme for use in ZPM, just add this
in your ~/.zshrc
Plug bhilburn/powerlevel9k
source ~/.local/share/zpm/plugins/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme
Note that you should define any customizations at the top of your .zshrc
(i.e. setting the POWERLEVEL9K_*
variables) in your .zshrc
Option 9: Install for ZIM
To install this theme for use in ZIM, clone this repository into your
ZIM prompt/external-themes
$ git clone ~/.zim/modules/prompt/external-themes/powerlevel9k
$ ln -s ~/.zim/modules/prompt/external-themes/powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k.zsh-theme ~/.zim/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_powerlevel9k_setup
Add this in your ~/.zshrc
You then need to select this theme in your ~/.zim
Note that you should define any customizations at the top of your .zshrc
(i.e. setting the POWERLEVEL9K_*
variables) in your .zshrc
Step 2: Install Powerline Fonts
Technically, you don't have to install Powerline fonts. If you are using
a font that has some of the basic glyphs we need, you can use the theme in
mode - see the third option, below.
To get the most out of theme, though, you'll want Powerline-patched fonts. There are two varieties of these: 'Powerline Fonts' and 'Awesome Powerline Fonts'. The latter includes additional glyphs that aren't required for a normal install.
Do one of the following:
Option 1: Install Powerline Fonts
You can find the [installation instructions for Powerline Fonts here] ( You can also find the raw font files in this Github repository if you want to manually install them for your OS.
After you have installed Powerline fonts, make the default font in your terminal emulator the Powerline font you want to use.
This is the default mode for Powerlevel9k
, and no further configuration is
N.B.: If Powerlevel9k is not working properly, it is almost always the case that the fonts were not properly installed, or you have not configured your terminal to use a Powerline-patched font!
Option 2: Install Awesome Powerline Fonts
Alternatively, you can install Awesome Powerline Fonts, which provide a number of additional glyphs.
You then need to indicate that you wish to use the additional glyphs by defining
the following in your ~/.zshrc
If you chose to use already patched fonts, use instead :
Note that if you prefer flat segment transitions, you can use the following with
Awesome Powerline Fonts
Which looks like this:
Option 3: Compatible Mode
This option is best if you prefer not to install additional fonts. This option
will work out-of-the-box if your your terminal font supports the segment
separator characters \uE0B0
(left segment separator) and \uE0B2
segment separator).
All you need to do to in this case is install the Powerlevel9k
theme itself,
as explained above, and then define the following in your ~/.zshrc
Note that depending on your terminal font, this may still not render appropriately. This configuration should be used as a back-up.