Introduction - KaustubhPatange/XClipper GitHub Wiki

What is XClipper?

Well XClipper is an application which helps you to manage clipboard activities easily.

?> Whenever you copy something to your clipboard (via Ctrl + C or standard Right Click > Copy) XClipper will save it to the database. So that you can retrieve and use it later.

?> The default hotkey for showing XClipper window is Ctrl + ~.




  1. Run XClipper.
  2. Copy something to clipboard by using Ctrl + C or Right Click > Copy (It can be text or files or image stream by using Print-scr).
  3. Go back into your editor for eg: notepad window.
  4. Now press Ctrl + ` i.e hold Control and tilde (~) key to display a short window (bottom-right) containing your stored clips. You can also double click the icon in system tray to open XClipper.
  5. Double click or press Enter on the clip to paste it into your editor.

Key bindings

Key Function
Ctrl + ` Activate/Deactive XClipper window from anywhere.
↑ ↓ Navigate through the items.
Ctrl + Q Focus on the search box.
Esc Deactive XClipper window.
Ctrl + C Make selected item as current clipboard content.
Ctrl + Tab Open up the popup window which displays content preview.
Delete Remove the selected items from clip database.
Ctrl + T Pin/Unpin selected item to top.
Ctrl + F Open up the filter window.
Ctrl + R Display QR Code (it does not support unicode chars).
Ctrl + |, numeric key Paste data from an index assigned by the app.

Popup window binds

Key Function
Space Activate the popup window to accept the following key binds.
Ctrl + E Toggle Edit mode, this will make the content editable.
Enter For editable content it saves, for image content it opens the image in image viewer.
Esc Close the popup window.

Filter window binds

Key Function
↑ ↓ Navigate through the items.
Enter Filter the main window with the property selected.
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