Improve Clipboard Detection - KaustubhPatange/XClipper GitHub Wiki

Improve Clipboard Detection

?> Enabling this feature requires a PC & some additional knowledge like turning on USB Debugging from Developer Options.

Note: In addition to USB Debugging option, please check if you have any of the following settings in the Developer Options & enable it as well.

  1. USB debugging (Security Settings)
  2. Install via USB
  3. Disable Permission Monitoring
  • Connect your Android device to the computer using a USB cable.
  • Run the following commands (one by one) onto your terminal (Note: You might need to type ./adb depending upon the terminal you are using).
adb -d shell pm grant com.kpstv.xclipper android.permission.READ_LOGS
adb -d shell appops set com.kpstv.xclipper SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
adb -d shell am force-stop com.kpstv.xclipper
  • Allow permissions to display XClipper over other apps:

    • Long-tab on app icon & click on the menu "App Info"
    • Find setting "Other permissions"
    • Check all of (if available)
      • Display pop-up windows while running in the background
      • DIsplay pop-up window
  • Open XClipper again & see if "Clipboard Service" & "Improve Detection" feature is turned on from the Settings > General.

Additional configuration for MIUI devices (optional)

MIUI can reset all previously made settings on system reboot. Check if it happens on your device at least twice (for example, you have successfully configured ADB -> rebooted your device -> configured again -> rebooted again). If it still happens, to prevent it you need to TURN OFF the following setting:

Settings -> Developer Options -> Turn on MIUI optimization