Hidden Settings - KaustubhPatange/XClipper GitHub Wiki

?> These are some settings you can configure (toggle) manually to control XClipper behaviors.

Table of contents

Why & how to edit them?

The reason why these settings are not directly controlled from the main application is that they are too technical & are cease to exist for only one specific behavior.

Each of these can be modified from XClipper's config.xml located in %appData%\XClipper\config.xml.

List of all settings?

Name Default What can be controlled?
ExitOnCrash True If set to False application will not crash when an internal major failure occurs.
NoNotifyChanges False If set to True XClipper will not show notification about any changes occurs to database.
UseExperimentalKeyCapture True If set to True XClipper will use an experimental method of hot key detection goes by stream of key events for faster response (App restart needed).
UpdateChannel 1 Allows you to configure the channel to filter updates. The value are 0 (Stable), 1 (Nightly).