Copy Buffers - KaustubhPatange/XClipper GitHub Wiki

Copy Buffers

?> XClipper has a feature of storing clipboard content on a separate buffer other than the Windows clipboard one. Just like Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V, there are different shortcuts to use them.


  • The goal of this feature is to have separate independent buffer that doesn't hook to the Windows clipboard one & can be used as secondary clipboard.
  • User can specify upto 2 extra buffer & can customize the hotkeys to make them work.
  • Only text type of data is supported for now.
  • Go to Settings > Copy Buffers tab to modify the hotkeys for cut/copy/paste operation.

Behind the scenes

There is nothing like extra buffers in windows which we can hook to. The way this feature works is by first saving the original clipboard content, then sends copy/paste action & finally restore the clipboard with the saved content.