Compilation guide - KaustubhPatange/XClipper GitHub Wiki

Compilation guide

!> When running the compiled code, the application may crash or may not work as expected.

  • Clone the repository with git or the new CLI tool.
gh repo clone KaustubhPatange/XClipper
cd XClipper


tar -xvzf scripts\csproj.tar.gz
nuget restore XClipper.sln
msbuild XClipper.sln


  • Install Android Studio.

  • Create a file at XClipper.Android/.gradle/ with the following contents.

  • Run the following commands from the root folder.
tar -xvzf scripts\gradle.tar.gz
cd XClipper.Android
./gradlew app:assembleDebug
  • You'll also a need a google-service.json file to be present in app/ folder so make sure to generate that with package names com.kpstv.xclipper & com.kpstv.xclipper.debug through your Firebase project.


Following are some limitation when built from sources.

  • Dispatching updates will not work for both Android & Windows application.
  • Synchronization between Windows & Android app will not work.
  • Database encryption/decryption feature will not work.
  • Built-in review & analytics (crash reporting) system will not work.
  • Unexpected crashes anytime when using the app.
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