componenetDidMount() lifecycle event - KatyaHorton/Udacity-React-practice GitHub Wiki


To make AJAX request - use componenetDidMount() lifecycle event.


  1. Compinent added to the view =>
  2. componentDidMount() invokes (automatically) =>
  3. componentDidMount() initiates AJAX request
  4. Request is finished =>
  5. We have response for the request =>
  6. setState() called =>
  7. setState() updated the component with newly requested data

React docs says:

componentDidMount() is invoked immediately after a component is mounted. Initialisation that requires DOM nodes should go here. If you need to load data from a remote endpoint, this is a good place to instantiate the network request. Setting state in this method will trigger a re-rendering.

Add contacts from server with API request:

APIRequest => Fetch contacts from server => add contacts to our state


contacts array instead of having data should be an empty array

state: {
contacts: []


In ContactsAPI.js (file, generated for us) exports functions, including getAll() function, which makes request to our API and gets the contacts info, to stick inside our state.

In App.js:

import * as ContactsAPI from './utils/ContactsAPI'


Add a lifecycle event to our component in which we should make an API request :

//this function is going to invoked by react whenever that component is mounted to the view
//calling ContactsAPI.getAll() will return us a promise
 ContactsAPI.getAll().then((contacts) => {
  this.setState({contacts: contacts})

Remove contacts also from server with API request:


In our remove function we are updating out local state, but we also should make the request to an API:

removeContact = (contact) => {
 this.setState((state) => ({
  contacts: state.contacts.filter((c) => !==
// API request