The Route component - KatyaHorton/Udacity-React-practice GitHub Wiki

The Route component

Route component:

  • takes the path =>
  1. path matches the URL => Route will render some UI
  2. path does not match the URL => won't render anything

much like the code we had which was checking which screen we want to render=>

our component state will check the URL =>

the route will do the same, but with checking the URL (that means the back button will work)

Use of Route component

1 Import Route component to App.js

import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'


Then we put the Route into the "checking part" (where we initially used screen states to chose what to render)

//use Route component with the Render prop
   <Route path='/' render={() => (
   onNavigate = {() => {
    this.setState({ screen: 'create' })

//use Route component with the Component prop
   <Route path='/create' 


  • use Route component with the Render prop when component we want to render has some props passed to it
  • use Route component with the Component prop when component we want to render is just a component with no props passed to it


To match EXACTLY the path you need:

<Route exact path='/' render={() => (


Go ahead and delete screen from state as we do not need it anymore to navigate our app.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️