Referencing instances in Prefab and Scene with SerialzieField - Katsuya100/SceneLayer-Trial GitHub Wiki

If you want to have references across Prefab/Scene/ScriptableObject instances, use the CrossReference class.
This technique is also useful when you want to have a reference to a Prefab instance that you plan to load into a Layer.

CrossReference<GameObject> _go;

It will then appear like this on the inspector.

Inserting an object into this field automatically creates a CrossReferenceRegister component and registers the instance.

When executed, the object reference can be obtained after instantiation of the target object.


If a scene's GameObject is referenced and the corresponding scene is not open, the scene reference and GlobalObjectID will be displayed in the Inspector.

For ScriptableObject

When registering a ScriptableObject with CrossReference, the member must be set as follows.

CrossReferenceRegisterObject _crossReferenceRegister;

Then, open the Inspector of the target ScriptableObject and click on the [Register] button.
This will ensure that references are automatically allocated when the ScriptableObject is loaded.

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