Experimentation - KatharinaIoT/IoT-Project-HHZ GitHub Wiki

As a result of the exploration, an MVP of your application must be determined and justified. The following describes the Living Lab setup, the users and which data should be collected for the evaluation. No concrete implementation is necessary for the task.

The following topics can be part of the experiment:

  • Description of the prototype & the type of survey (Living Lab Setup)
  • Establishment of hypotheses: What are the expectations, with which KPIs are measured (e.g. frequency of use)
  • Outline of a questionnaire/interview guide
  • Implementation of a user test (test phase)
  • Describe test stands and experiments
  • How are the KPIs measured and collected (data collection)
  • Using ethnographic methods (people in their cultural environment, respecting deeds and words, the implicit and the explicit, interactions with each other)

Iteration 1

Description of the prototype: The MVP consists of the first prototype, the KIM 1.0. KIM includes a box, in which all sensors, a micro and LEDs are built-in. The MVP initially only contains a microphone and a coffee machine. The idea of the KIM is to enable people living together in the same household to have their drink wishes fulfilled automatically. In order to demonstrate the benefits, the MVP first has a choice of one drink, which is why only one coffee machine is connected. In addition, drinks can only be ordered by voice command. We have chosen the MVP because we want to test how comfortable the test persons feel with the Magic Box and whether they recognize the added value.

Survey type: The survey type takes place in a Living Lab set-up. This is a collaboration between our development and the users. The prototype is shown to selected test persons without further explanation. They are asked to order a coffee. We are interested in how easy it is to use the KIM, how comfortable the test persons feel with this type of beverage selection and whether it makes everyday life easier.


  1. The test persons know what to do without explanation. 1.1 Metric: Time until the first order 1.2 The hypothesis is confirmed if 80% of the test persons order a coffee in less than 1 minute.
  2. The test persons are happy about the relief in everyday life. They see the advantage of a KIM and save time. 2.1 Metric: We ask them about the process: How do you rate the relief in everyday life through a KIM? (Scale from 1-10) 2.1 The hypothesis is confirmed if the Net Promotor Scores (NPS) is +50 and higher. This assessment is collected by an interview sheet.

Test phase: The test persons are led individually to the KIM and are given the task of ordering a coffee. The interaction with the KIM is observed and recorded. Additionally, the time until the coffee is ordered is stopped. Finally, the test person is asked about his satisfaction with the process. The results are documented and evaluated.