Evaluation - KatharinaIoT/IoT-Project-HHZ GitHub Wiki

In the evaluation, possible results from the experimental phase are described and how these can be identified in the data.

The following topics can be part of the evaluation:

  • Check results (validation)
  • Describe and explain the result for each hypothesis (data analysis)
  • Professional & Expert Evaluation (Experts independently evaluate the usability of an application based on recognized usability principles - the heuristics)
  • Focus groups (group discussion)
  • Drawing conclusions (Conclusions)
  • Describe product adaptations for the next iteration (Conclusions)

Iteration 1:


  • Average time to order coffee: 3.4 minutes
  • NPS: -20

Result: Hypothesis 1: Not confirmed, because the time until the test person ordered the coffee was too long. Hypothesis 2: Not confirmed, because NPS was too low. In the end, the test persons were not satisfied with the time spent and did not see any advantage. Starting the coffee machine manually is easier.

Identified issues: KIM does not simplify the morning routine and saves time. Even though you can now place orders just like in normal café automation for all family members is not given yet.

Conclusion: Increase usability and extend benefits so that the advantages of KIM are obvious to the user.

Product adaptation: KIM is upgraded with a camera and now recognizes faces and can then automatically capture beverage selections. Rules (e.g. no cola after 5 pm) and preferences (e.g. strength/amount of coffee) can be defined on an IoT platform.