Co Creation - KatharinaIoT/IoT-Project-HHZ GitHub Wiki
Digitalization, global markets and everchanging market requirements have had a huge influence on nearly all industries in the last decade. Many companies face the difficulty to quickly, swiftly and successfully adapt to new and changing customer requirements to maintain their USP. A vital factor for succeeding in this task is to involve costumers into internal processes such as product development. This new form of collaboration is summarized under the idea of "Co-Creation" . The involvement of costumers ranges from respecting customer wishes into the general product idea phase over costumers choosing ideas that will be implemented onto custom-tailored products that are made for specific costumers alone. In many cases, Co-Creation methods are used to build an ecosystem around the company using costumers, partners or even competing companies. The main goal is to tackle difficult challenges with a holistic approach, to find solutions together and to realize economies of scale by collaborating with costumers and other companies. In the following chapter, it is shown which Co-Creation methods were used in order to develop KIM.