Kathara.manager.kubernetes.KubernetesMachine - KatharaFramework/Kathara GitHub Wiki

module Kathara.manager.kubernetes.KubernetesMachine

Global Variables


class KubernetesMachine

Class responsible for managing Kathara devices representation in Kubernetes.

method KubernetesMachine.__init__

    kubernetes_namespace: Kathara.manager.kubernetes.KubernetesNamespace.KubernetesNamespace
) → None

method KubernetesMachine.connect

    lab_hash: str,
    machine_name: str,
    shell: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
    logs: bool = False
) → None

Open a stream to the Kubernetes Pod specified by machine_name using the specified shell.


  • lab_hash (str): The hash of the network scenario containing the device.
  • machine_name (str): The name of the device to connect.
  • shell (Union[str, List[str]]): The path to the desired shell.
  • logs (bool): If True, print the logs of the startup command.

Returns: None


  • MachineNotRunningError: If the specified device is not running.
  • MachineNotReadyError: If the device is not ready.

method KubernetesMachine.copy_files

    machine_api_object: kubernetes.client.models.v1_deployment.V1Deployment,
    path: str,
    tar_data: bytes
) → None

Copy the files contained in tar_data in the Kubernetes deployment path specified by the machine_api_object.


  • machine_api_object (client.V1Deployment): A Kubernetes deployment.
  • path (str): The path of where copy the tar_data.
  • tar_data (bytes): The data to copy in the deployment.

Returns: None

method KubernetesMachine.create

create(machine: Kathara.model.Machine.Machine) → None

Create a Kubernetes deployment and a Pod representing the device and assign it to machine.api_object.


  • machine (Kathara.model.Machine.Machine): a Kathara device.

Returns: None


  • MachineAlreadyExistsError: If a device with the name specified already exists.

method KubernetesMachine.deploy_machines

    lab: Kathara.model.Lab.Lab,
    selected_machines: Set[str] = None,
    excluded_machines: Set[str] = None
) → None

Deploy all the devices contained in lab.machines.


  • lab (Kathara.model.Lab.Lab): A Kathara network scenario.
  • selected_machines (Set[str]): A set containing the name of the devices to deploy.
  • excluded_machines (Set[str]): A set containing the name of the devices to exclude.

Returns: None


  • InvocationError: If both selected_machines and excluded_machines are specified.

method KubernetesMachine.exec

    lab_hash: str,
    machine_name: str,
    command: Union[str, List],
    tty: bool = False,
    stdin: bool = False,
    stdin_buffer: List[Union[str, bytes]] = None,
    stderr: bool = False,
    is_stream: bool = True
) → Union[Kathara.manager.kubernetes.exec_stream.KubernetesExecStream.KubernetesExecStream, Tuple[bytes, bytes, int]]

Execute the command on the Kubernetes Pod specified by the lab_hash and the machine_name.


  • lab_hash (str): The hash of the network scenario containing the device.
  • machine_name (str): The name of the device.
  • command (Union[str, List]): The command to execute.
  • tty (bool): If True, open a new tty.
  • stdin (bool): If True, open the stdin channel.
  • stdin_buffer (List[Union[str, bytes]]): List of command to pass to the stdin.
  • stderr (bool): If True, return the stderr.
  • is_stream (bool): If True, return a KubernetesExecStream object. If False, returns a tuple containing the complete stdout, the stderr, and the return code of the command.


  • Union[KubernetesExecStream, Tuple[bytes, bytes, int]]: A KubernetesExecStream object or a tuple containing the stdout, the stderr and the return code of the command.


  • MachineNotRunningError: If the specified device is not running.
  • MachineBinaryError: If the command specified is not found on the device.

method KubernetesMachine.get_deployment_name

get_deployment_name(name: str) → str

Return the name of the Kubernetes deployment corresponding to 'name'.


  • name (str): The name of a Kathara device.


  • str: The name for the Kubernetes deployment.

method KubernetesMachine.get_env_var_value_from_pod

    pod: kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod.V1Pod,
    var_name: str
) → Optional[str]

Return the value of an environment variable of the Kubernetes Pod.


  • pod (client.V1Pod): A Kubernetes Pod.
  • var_name (str): The name of the environment variable.


  • Optional[str]: The value of the environment variable.

method KubernetesMachine.get_machines_api_objects_by_filters

    lab_hash: str = None,
    machine_name: str = None
) → List[kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod.V1Pod]

Return the List of Kubernetes Pods.


  • lab_hash (str): The hash of a network scenario. If specified, return all the Kubernetes Pod in the scenario.
  • machine_name (str): The name of a device. If specified, return the specified Kubernetes Pod of the scenario.


  • List[client.V1Pod]: A list of Kubernetes Pods objects.

method KubernetesMachine.get_machines_stats

    lab_hash: str = None,
    machine_name: str = None
) → Generator[Dict[str, Kathara.manager.kubernetes.stats.KubernetesMachineStats.KubernetesMachineStats], NoneType, NoneType]

Return a generator containing the Kubernetes devices' stats.


  • lab_hash (str): The hash of a network scenario. If specified, return all the stats of the devices in the scenario.
  • machine_name (str): The name of a device. If specified, return the specified device stats.


  • Generator[Dict[str, KubernetesMachineStats], None, None]: A generator containing device name as keys and KubernetesMachineStats as values.

method KubernetesMachine.undeploy

    lab_hash: str,
    selected_machines: Set[str] = None,
    excluded_machines: Set[str] = None
) → None

Undeploy all the running Kubernetes deployments and Pods contained in the scenario defined by the lab_hash.

If selected_machines is not None, undeploy only the specified devices.


  • lab_hash (str): The hash of the network scenario to undeploy.
  • selected_machines (Set[str]): A set containing the name of the devices to undeploy.
  • excluded_machines (Set[str]): A set containing the name of the devices to exclude.

Returns: None


  • InvocationError: If both selected_machines and excluded_machines are specified.

method KubernetesMachine.wipe

wipe() → None

Undeploy all the running Kubernetes deployments and Pods.

Returns: None

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