MoNavRoutingDaemon - Karry/monav GitHub Wiki
The Routing Daemon acts as a background service that can be queried from other programs or the console.
The daemon uses QService to act as a daemon in a Linux environment and a service in a Windows enviroment.
Its command line arguments are:
usage: MoNavD -i | -install
installs the service
usage: MoNavD -u | -uninstall
uninstalls the service
usage: MoNavD -t | -terminate
terminates the service
usage: MoNavD -v | -version
displays version and status
The Routing Daemon can be tested with the accompanying test program:
usage: DaemonTest data-directory latitude1 longitude1 latitude2 longitude2 [longitudeN](...latitudeN)
computes a route using between the specified waypoints
To query a route or unpack a MoNavMapModule using the daemon you have to include the {{{signals.h}}} in your project and use it to communicate with the daemon. The test program is a good example on how to do this.