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Patience - Simple web based medical data cleansing

Patience gives a user the ability to cleanse and report on some of the more common types of medical record data. These are Patient Demographics, ADT (Admission, Discharge and Transfer) messages coming from inpatient systems, meds, labs, allergies, diagnosis, and vitals. Patience can read data in HL7V2.x or flat files.

Patience retrieves the source data from one of two sources, either box.com or Google Drive. In either case, the user logs into Patience using credentials from one of those two sources.

Patience uses Amazon AWS to temporarily store and process the data and then the results are returned back to the original box.com or Google Drive account.

The source code for this is stored here under and licensed as Open Source. A fully functioning version of the application can be found at Patience hosted at KarmaOpenHealth.com

We are currently stalled on Patient Population Generation tool.



