Internals - Karinoko/CharSimWushu GitHub Wiki
How use Internal Skill
Select from list Internal Skill
How add new level of Internal Skill
Attention! This function is not official supporting - any update can reset or delete any changes.
Enter correctly value to text box and click 'save'
How add new Internal Skill
Attention! This function is not official supporting - any update can reset or delete any changes.
Create a new file: name of internal skill.ins
or copy ready file (Example.ins
Add or edit in file:
Inner_sect = Emei (1)
- name sect of inner (Emei, Jianghu, Vagrand etc) and value of Tier Internal Skill (1-6 for sects)
Inner_att = Yin/Soft
- attribute of inner (Yin/Soft, Yang/Hard, Tai Chi)
Default_lvl = 36
- default main level - this value must be exist in this file on Section ( [lvl] ). Program use this value when load selected Internal Skill.
- level of Internal Skill, can be used in Default_lvl
- value of brawn
- value of dexterity
- value of breath
- value of spirit
- value of stamina
- value of Maxymum Hit Points (HP)
- value of Maxymum energy (Internal power, mana)
- value of Maxymum Parry Endurance
- value of Internal Skill Defence (1 point = 10 point for: Yin, Yang, Hard, Soft)