Survey Queries and Results - KarinBecker/LODCubeSurvey GitHub Wiki

The survey was developed using the QGM (Goal-Question-Metric) approach. Details on the analysis framework, and each metric can be found in the [paper] (

Considering the local repository containing the [data extracted from the LOD] (LOD-Data-Extracted), we run a set of queries to measure each metric. The spreadsheet that consolidates the results are also included below.

[File with queries] ( We run these set of queries 3 times: for Linked Eurostat data only, for non-Eurostat data only, and for both of them together. The file contains the counting queries for the direct metrics, as well as some queries used to explore the results.

[Results Spreadsheet] ( This spreadsheet contains the numbers extracted using our counting queries (direct metrics), and the formulae for deriving the indirect metrics.